Do u wear make-up?


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[SIZE=12pt]Well, when you put on eyeliner, it is very easy to get it in your eyes.[/SIZE]


I don't really know if I replied to this topic already, and I sure as heck am not going to go back through 10 pages to look. So, no, I don't wear make up. ^_^

[SIZE=12pt]Well, when you put on eyeliner, it is very easy to get it in your eyes.[/SIZE] 

I don't really know if I replied to this topic already, and I sure as heck am not going to go back through 10 pages to look. So, no, I don't wear make up. :D
:furawatchi: Is it?


I am a mature almost 12 year old. I only wear lipgloss, and eyeliner for special occasions. I also use Cover up, to hide those horrible bags under my eyes! X.x



I wear make-up, but only lipgloss. The rest just looks weird on me because I've got pale skin.

Ugh... Until you're like... 200 years old, makeup just does nothing for you. I keep telling girls that. I've only had one pay attention to me. *weep* (Another one is just too lazy to wear makeup. LULZ)

Ugh... Until you're like... 200 years old, makeup just does nothing for you. I keep telling girls that. I've only had one pay attention to me. *weep* (Another one is just too lazy to wear makeup. LULZ)
It's easy for you to say that, Tehblues, but it's different for us. Eight out of ten women have serious confidence problems, and those problems are magnified in public situations, particularly in schools. Have you ever been laughed at by the popular girls because you have a zit, or put on a little weight? Of course not, you're a man. You have no idea what it feels like. Makeup is a confidence booster. Every woman wants to look in the mirror and say, "Yeah, I look good today."

Yes, makeup does do something for us. It's sad, but we're living in a superficial world. Just look in the fashion magazines - Every woman is a clone. They're all skinny mini blonde bimbos. Those women are our idols, our basis for judgement. We don't wear makeup for men - We wear them for other women.

I don't consider myself superficial, although I suppose I am. I don't care what you look like, but I do care about the way I look. I would love to wake up one day and say, "I'm not going to wear makeup today because people will accept me no matter what."

But I can't say that, because I'm one of the eight out of ten women with confidence issues.

Yes, I'm a bit fired up about this. I've never felt pretty. But at least I could look a bit better if I wore makeup. Once again, we don't wear it to cover up our two hundred year old wrinkles. We wear it so we can feel pretty and confident.

That's all I really have to say about this.

I'm sorry if I came off as rude. I don't mean to be, but it's a touchy topic for me.... And I'm pretty tired. :blink:

"Don't wear makeup to cover up your face, but only to enhance your natural beauty."

That's from one of my Brio Magazines, and I really liked that quote, mostly because it's true.

I wear a little bit of concealer, just to brighten my "morning bags" and little pimples.

Black Mascara, because I have very long eyelashes, and it shows them. My Minty lip-gloss, and also sparkling blue-eyeliner shows my blue-eyes. :huh:

It's easy for you to say that, Tehblues, but it's different for us. Eight out of ten women have serious confidence problems, and those problems are magnified in public situations, particularly in schools. Have you ever been laughed at by the popular girls because you have a zit, or put on a little weight? Of course not, you're a man. You have no idea what it feels like. Makeup is a confidence booster. Every woman wants to look in the mirror and say, "Yeah, I look good today."Yes, makeup does do something for us. It's sad, but we're living in a superficial world. Just look in the fashion magazines - Every woman is a clone. They're all skinny mini blonde bimbos. Those women are our idols, our basis for judgement. We don't wear makeup for men - We wear them for other women.

I don't consider myself superficial, although I suppose I am. I don't care what you look like, but I do care about the way I look. I would love to wake up one day and say, "I'm not going to wear makeup today because people will accept me no matter what."

But I can't say that, because I'm one of the eight out of ten women with confidence issues.

Yes, I'm a bit fired up about this. I've never felt pretty. But at least I could look a bit better if I wore makeup. Once again, we don't wear it to cover up our two hundred year old wrinkles. We wear it so we can feel pretty and confident.

That's all I really have to say about this.

I'm sorry if I came off as rude. I don't mean to be, but it's a touchy topic for me.... And I'm pretty tired. ;)
It did come off as a little quert (sp?), but I understand what you mean.

I do have a major issue with the superficial deal. I mean, I do need to take care of myself more, but I mean with the little I do, people tend to look at me for my kind heart. Nothing makes me filled with hatred more than someone who thinks they have to wear makeup, guy or girl.

So yeah, it's easy for anyone to say, just like how I don't consistantly wear contact lenses. I don't like people thinking I'm any different due to static change. Save your money, the ego will thank you. Make-up=Eww.


I do not wear make-up. {Only for Dances & Halloween & and for when I may get pimples and they wont go away.}


If I did wear make-up, I'd keep myself up at night. I mean, for me, there is no need to be wearing make-up as a 11-12 year old and going to school with it. Personaly, I would maybe just be made fun of by the guy I like or my teachers would have a giggle fit ><;;


Not the point,

No. I don't wear make-up unless its those 3 reasons.

"Don't wear makeup to cover up your face, but only to enhance your natural beauty."
That's from one of my Brio Magazines, and I really liked that quote, mostly because it's true.

I wear a little bit of concealer, just to brighten my "morning bags" and little pimples.

Black Mascara, because I have very long eyelashes, and it shows them. My Minty lip-gloss, and also sparkling blue-eyeliner shows my blue-eyes. ;)
Eww, it's not true. If you have natural beauty, then there's no reason to enhance it. It's taking the Mona Lisa and making it modern. Taking what the artist (nature/genetics/whatever else you put in here) put and changing it. *shudder*

im 11, and my mom says I cant wear make-up untill Im 20.

But I wear it sometimes at sleepovers.

okay I totally already replied to this but since then my make-up habits have changed. Okay so It's so fun!!!! I only wear sparkley black (yeah I said sparkley) and you can only find that at hottopic. It's wonderful, my mom hates it but that's ok! yay eyeliner. Mascara and eyeshadow is cool too. As far as foundation and blush goes..... i don't really need it so I don't wear it, and no matter what I do I'll always look pale and slightly sickly so blush just doesn't matter.

Eww, it's not true. If you have natural beauty, then there's no reason to enhance it. It's taking the Mona Lisa and making it modern. Taking what the artist (nature/genetics/whatever else you put in here) put and changing it. *shudder*
I get your point, as you don't have to wear make-up. ;)

But just if you want to wear make-up, see that as a good point. ;) Don't cover up your natural beauty.

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