Do you always get a detention?


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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2009
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Do you always get a detention?

i dont always get a detention because i always do the right things and i always follow the rules in our school/class.

i really dont wanna follow those rules but i really hate detention because im the only one left in our room answering some problem in a book.

i think detention is unfair!!!! :p :angry: :angry:

Do you think detention is unfair?


that is so unfair

but why?

me i think almost all of my teacher like me

Yes, detention is fair. I actually believe that there needs to be a harsher punishment than detention/suspention. Once someone recieves multiple detentions, and their record is already ruined, they don't care anymore, and the punishment looses its effect. And besides, detention is just like an extra study hall at the end of the day. I know some people who like detention, because it gives them time to get their homework done.

I have never gotten detention though, and I don't want to recieve detention. My record is completely spotless, and I don't want to ruin that.

Lool I have 1 teacher that likes me xD

I don't know if I think detention is fair... It's not fair for people who did'nt do anything that bad like, like idk like arguing with someone but to people who deserve it for being rude to teachers and stuff..

It really annoys me when people are rude to supply teachers cause supplys can't give detentions here unless it is caught on CCTV cams.

We don't have detention in my elementary school! But high school is in little over a year... we'll have detention then.

Sometimes we stay in at recess, though, (lol what a punishment!) if our tests are bad or something to do with school performance. I had to stay in once before, because I had a bad math test. Otherwise I get good gardes and I don't have to stay in. But I am pretty distruptive and a mess-maker. Today I spilled goldfish all under my teacher's desk and had to clean it up during my other teacher's class. Embarassing :)

Detention is fair.

Usually at my school kids earn detention. :l

I don't really get detention so often. Maybe sometimes... But usually I don't.

I'm pretty good in class.. (Lol. I have like zero classes with any of my friends... that's why.)

If I had any classes with 'em... well that would be a different story. o_________o;

If there was no detention at our school, I can assure you every lesson would consist of one huge riot; teachers versus students.

And although the idea sounds amusing, I think detention is fair.

In our school, detention is called 'time out'.

I've only been in time out once, and that was on my 3rd day of school. 'Tis quite an amusing story, but I won't go into details :]

Whenever I get a detention its a "lunch detention." Its when you sit in a room and eat you lunch in silence*woohoo.*

But I only had it for the week because the people in my class where being morons wile we had a sub.

In our school, detention is called 'time out'.
Like in kindergarten. 8D

I was always getting time-outs back then. I think one time I stole this kid's green dough and got shouted at by the assistant. That was some pretty huge Drama back then. I love the innocence of four year olds, but it's probably best I stay away from them before I poison their innocent minds. xD Haha, no. I'm okay with kids really.

^ today my 'reading partner' in kindergarten started a fight with someone, and i had to berak it up and give him a 'time out'! It was so awesome, it;s way better to give them than to get them.

I used to always get time outs in kindergarten, I remember I'd alway's run out of the class to the other class because I liked it better 8D

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