Do you believe in Aliens?


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jul 23, 2005
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Akershus, Norway
Do you believe that there are actual aliens out there? I do. I mainly believe they do because I honestly don't think that the creatures on Earth are the only living life in the whole universe. But I also do because of the number of UFO sightings that there are. And they are sort of common these days.


But first, I'd like to say that I do not wish to scare anyone.


Have a look at this and this.

Yes, I personly beleive in aliens. I have actually SEEN the U.F.O. things. I saw one, on a boy scout camp-out, I SEE THIS HUGE GLOWING cigar shaped thing. I screech& all of the people get out of the tents, and it was just a little speck, ar far away. they all said I was crazy, but I still believe that they ARE out there.


I believe in aliens instead of god, though I don't worship them.

We're technically aliens, too, if you think about it.

Of course course... this is such a B-I-G universe , how could we be the only ones here? I mean unless all the rest blew eachother up and killed off the alien race as what we define, but who really knows?.. I may be wrong :eek:

Mmm... I'm not really sure. All I know is that earth is placed so perfectly that if it was moved this way or that way even a little bit it would not support life.

I think earth is a special planet but yes, the universe is huge so based on my limited knowlege I'll just stick to "I don't know but I don't care". :eek:

There has to be aliens. We live in an infinite, ever expanding universe, so it would be highly unlikely for there not to be intelligent life. (not just microbes or simple celled organisms)

[SIZE=14pt]In a way a do. But in another way, I don't.[/SIZE]

I don't believe that theres these whole other intelligent lifeforms. And I don't see any reason for them to come over to earth.

If there so smart, I think they'd know that theirs really no reason for them to live or take over earth. Considering the common cold could kill them.

And if there is another planet just like earth, I think that planet would basically have humans like us.

But, I really don't believe in those accusations.


I think the only other lifeforms out there are "Germs" or "Bacteria"

I don't actually care about space but I do believe there could be life out there. There's loads of planets yet to be discovered and they might have life, besides there's these little germ things they found focillised on a rock from Mars. But they might have not been life, I think if everyone's gonna start obsessing over it (god forbid).


Ooh. I love these topics!

Yes, I do believe in aliens. Our universe is so vast and huge, there could be another planet in another solar system far away nearly the same as us. Who knows? They could be more adapted than us!

However, I don't believe that they want to kill us. Honestly, if they are as adapted, smart and cunning as what we think they are, don't you think they would have destroyed us by now? So many sightings, rumours and ubjuctions, and even camera footage too.

If there were aliens, I honestly think they would be peaceful creatures.


I also think that they would be humanoids or close to, depending on their home planet.
In my opinion "they" will look like a giant bug type creature, or a thing we have never seen/thought of.

Its hard to explain for me. There's a part of me that says yes and a part that says no lol.

Theres that hugeeee never ending galaxy out there. Plus earth is so big. We may not be the only ones.

But there is no proof there is aliens being real. Sure there are UFO'S but UFO'S mean Undenified flying object. It doesen't exactly mean that its a mothership.

Im Complicated! xD

In my opinion "they" will look like a giant bug type creature, or a thing we have never seen/thought of.
I think that aliens would be all sorts of things, as I stated before, depending on their surroundings.

Adapt to survive.

I hate to bust the party, but I do not believe in the steriotypical 'Alien', but I do somewhat believe in life on other planets, due to the findings that mars was once submerged underwater, or something of that sort. It is a confusing concept, but no, I do not believe in the little green bug type dudes that fly around in high tech spaceships and crap like that.

Its all fable until it has been proven by science :angry:

In my opinion, anyway.

[SIZE=14pt] But y'know...I just thought of something...<.<[/SIZE]

Everyone thinks the Universe is this huge, endless thing...But what if it isn't?

They really haven't proven that the universe is never ending. What if the only universe only consists of a few galaxy's...And if theres only a few Galaxy's that would mean less planets and stars! Which would mean that theres less of a chance of there being other life forms! But wait hold on... We can see billions of stars in the sky when we look up at night...x_x" So...The universe would have to be pretty big...Oh crud. I'm so confused now. xD lol.


But basically, all I'm trying to say is...The universe might not be as big as we think it is! O-O"

But~ I'm most likely wrong.

i think it would be ignorant to think we were the only forms of life in a big universe. but i don't think any of them would be too much more advanced than us. i don't really know, but... yeah xD

Some of you are saying that you don't think they will suddenly come down and wipe us out, and I agree. My parents, my Grandparents and my Auntie Judith think they are only flying in our atmosphere to just simply observe us(watch us at life). I agree with them too. :kuribotchi:

I do! Well,I don't think they're going to come right down to Earth and destroy us,like ETHAN1994 said,I think they're just watching us. I think I saw a UFE one time!

Naw. I really couldn't care less about the existence of aliens. Maybe there are other life forces somewhere. But I don't really care.

Yes, sort of. If aliens exist I think they will be beautiful and full of life, if they were clever. They might just be medium, we will never know. There might be several galaxies. Fleas might be aliens because they might have come to our planet before we existed. Anything is possible.

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