Do You Believe In Gay Marriage?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
Do you believe in gay marriage? I'm just curious and I haven't seen this topic in a while. I personally, do. I believe if you truly love someone, no matter what their gender, you should be allowed to get married ;)


I really don't want a flame war, so, let's keep it strong, but civil with our opinions okay? :(

I am for gay marrige.

You should be able to love who you want to love without boundaries. Love knows no gender.

Half and Half I guess.

Marriage to me seems between a man and a women. It's been like that for a long time (Like the definition). I was talking to my mom about this, and I changed my mind, because first I thought gay marriage was okay to me. She said if people allow gay marriage, it will basically destroy the human race over time, and then men could think they could have more than one wife. So basically the marriage definition dies.

I think gay couples are okay, though. They could sign papers to say they live together, or include each other in their wills. In my opinion, there is no problem with that. People can love who they want to love, just not get married.

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Gok Wan is just a designer. This isn't about whether gays are cool or not, it's about gay marriage.

To be very honest, I don't really like the idea of gay marriages. The whole, like, population would die out, because females can't produce sperm and males can't have babies. Unless they've had a sex change from a woman to a man and haven't had their organs changed.

And I just don't think being gay is right.

No flaming please. Just my opinion.

Edit: Typo

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The whole, like, population would die out, because females can't produce sperm and males can't have babies. Unless they've had a sex change from a woman to a man and haven't had their organs changed.
This is basically what I was trying to say XD

Half and half.

Yes, people should marry and love whoever they want, however, I think there should be a limit.. Gay marriage... It's wrong, but okay at the same time o.x it's hard to explain.

I am astonished that anyone really believes that if Gay marriage was ok, then EVERYONE in the world would become gay and not have kids any more and the world population would die out...?

If people allow gay marriage, the human race will not be destroyed over time.

Think about it carefully and logically.

If you are straight, would legal gay marriage make you want to change your own sexual orientation and marry someone of the same gender and live with them for the rest of your lives?

Call me a cynic, but I doubt it.

This is not the same as whether people approve of Gay marriage or not - everyone is entitled to an opinion and should be able to explain why they are for or against it. I just find it a little difficult to accept a theory that the human race will die out if gay marriage is allowed...(for the reasons explained above).

^ Lol, I guess I should have said it better.

I didn't mean the entire population.

^ Lol, I guess I should have said it better.
I didn't mean the entire population.
If you didn't mean the entire population, surely then, if gay marriage was legal the human race would not, after all, be in danger of extinction..?

I don't want you to think I am criticising you personally.

I was simply pointing out that some of the reasoning didn't make real sense.

If you don't like the idea of gay marriage and you don't think that being gay is right maybe you need to try to look closer at the reasons you feel this way and find a more rational reason to support / explain this opinion.

I firmly believe there is no "right" or "wrong" answer to the question of gay marriage - but any debate (for or against it) should be informed and sensible ;)

I like gay people, but there is no such thing as "gay marriage".

Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. Not two men, or two women.

Gay people should have partnerships, with the same rights as marriage.

It makes me mad that gays keep trying for marriage, when they can have an equal partnership. It's the same thing with a different title, but special for them.

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I like gay people, but there is no such thing as "gay marriage".Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. Not two men, or two women.

Gay people should have partnerships, with the same rights as marriage.

It makes me mad that gays keep trying for marriage, when they can have an equal partnership. It's the same thing with a different title, but special for them.
Unfortunately, marriage is not just viewed in "religious belief" terms but in legal terms too.

If a couple are in a long-term or life time same sex relationship why should they not be entitled to the same tax breaks, mortgage relief, spousal pension benefits, inheritance tax exceptions that a legally married man and a woman are entitled to?

Why should they be continually challenged in a court of law to those entitlements if they are in a so-called "equal partnership" not a "marriage"?

Because the law allows those kinds of loop holes to be contested and argued and so people lose out (except of course the lawyers - they always come away with a ton of money)... ;) That might be another reason why Gays keep trying for "marriage" - because "equal partnership" doesn't give them the same legal rights.

Actually, equal partnership does give them the same legal rights. It has a different name though because it's for different people. It's not quite the same, but I don't think it should be. It's a slightly different situation. And marriage is legally termed as between a man and a woman, I believe that's the moral thing.

You're right that there are loopholes and that's why some states have it is because they found a loophole. People are trying to change the states' constitutions.


Actually, equal partnership does give them the same legal rights. It has a different name though because it's for different people. It's not quite the same, but I don't think it should be. It's a slightly different situation. And marriage is legally termed as between a man and a woman, I believe that's the moral thing.You're right that there are loopholes and that's why some states have it is because they found a loophole. People are trying to change the states' constitutions.

From the link I read that in the US, Equal partnership is still being contested in law and as such, does not yet give gays the same legal rights - only 5 US states recognise "domestic partnerships", but 30 US states have gay marriage bans.

I found this essay: Gay Marriage: The Arguments which considers a lot of the points being discussed in this thread.

It made interesting reading ;)

Edit: I just read that New Hampshire has legalised Gay marriage - that's 6 states in the US (not 5) ;)

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I don't belive in it.

I've had this convo with a friend of mine at school and we both agree it's just gross and wrong. ANd he said "Gay peope scare me" Which made me laugh 8D

Its reallt wierd when to gay/lesbian people adopt kids, Then There kids grow up with two dads or two moms and I't really quite discusting ;P

To be very honest, I don't really like the idea of gay marriages. The whole, like, population would die out, because females can't produce sperm and males can't have babies. Unless they've had a sex change from a woman to a man and haven't had their organs changed.
Being gay is a personal thing o.o; Not a pandemic.

Legalizing gay marriage wont effect straight people.

As for whether I support gay marriage, of course I do.

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I find nothing wrong with gay marriage. Why should I?

Why would ANYONE even think that legalizing gay marriage would cause the human population to go down. o _o;

Or think that everyone would suddenly go gay BECAUSE GAY MARRIAGE IS LEGAL!? Like Tamamum has already stated. I couldn't help but laugh at this. It's so ridiculous. :l

I think everyone deserves to get married if they really want too.

Sometimes being partners just isn't enough. You want to feel like a real true couple.

I think it's ridiculous and I personally can't understand why theres laws against it.

It's true that marriage is a special thing between a male and a female...

But people who do become gey or lesbian sometimes just can't help it. They just love the same gender.

So I believe that anyone should be able to experience marriage.

Besides, the amount of straight marriages don't even last very long. With the divorce rate so high.

I bet gay marriages would last longer and be more worth whiled.

The way I see it, why should a couple who's only going to last 5 years have any more right then a gay couple who might stay together for the rest of there lives.

It just doesn't add up.

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I support 100%.

Half of it is because my mom is planning to get married to her girlfriend... and the other half is that you have the right to love who you want without the government controlling that.

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