Do you believe in ghost?


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I do. I've had a lot of expirience (I totally butchered that) with them. Please, nobody call me crazy or anything, because I saw what I saw. I know how to control and help and get rid of them.

And the only reason why people don't beleive is because they have never had an expirience.

^^ I do. I've had a lot of expirience (I totally butchered that) with them. Please, nobody call me crazy or anything, because I saw what I saw. I know how to control and help and get rid of them.

And the only reason why people don't beleive is because they have never had an expirience.
I agree with you.


I believe in them. I always will, for my own reasons.

I know that if I post things here, nobody will believe me, which is why I won't bother. :)

Nope. Never have, never will.

My friend always says things like, "When you die, will you do nice things to me? Don't haunt me."

I just roll my eyes.

Yeah, I do.

I had a ghostly experience at home and school, but like Lara, I won't bother posting it because no one will believe me.

I agree with you. 

I believe in them. I always will, for my own reasons.

I know that if I post things here, nobody will believe me, which is why I won't bother. :D
Me too. My own family won't even beleive me. Sometimes I feel so alone. But it's okay. I finally found a friend (at school) who truely beleives in me and ghosts. I love her. <3

But yeah. My hauntings are quiet personal, also.

I do, because i think all people have souls, and that they have to go somewhere once they die. I do also believe in reincarnation, but i guess ghosts are the lost souls between lives, you know? That's how i see it, don't think I'm crazy!

Yes.I believe in them.I think that ghosts are the spirits of the dead.Which is pretty much true.They seem to stay in the place that they died in.

I don't really believe in them, but I always seem to see a shadowing figure peeping in my room. I always have the feeling that something is stalking me. ._.

I don't believe in the typical ghosts. I also don't believe in all the Bloody Mary crap and stuff like that. Especially the chain letter ghosts. Don't get me started on chain letters

And I don't believe in dead family members or loved ones coming back to watch over you. I'm really sorry if I've offended anyone by saying that, obviously I've never experienced anything like that, so who knows.


Okay well, a few days ago, me and my friend were in this new sportsy building thing our school has just built. We walked into the reception through doors that are like, behind where the desk area is. So the room is like L-shaped, with the automatic doors at the top of the L, and we had just walked through the bottom bit of the L.

I don't know why, but you can only open the automatic doors by pressing the wheelchair buttons. Neither of us pushed the buttons, and we were the only ones in the room, and we weren't close enough for them to do their job and open automatically, but both the doors opened. It really freaked me out. xD

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