Do you believe in ghosts?


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Well-known member
May 6, 2006
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Well, this isnt a poll, but do you believe ghosts?

I do. You can also share experiences. As you probably now, I love hearing them.

One of mine: Okay, in my house, our upstairs is small, and Y shaped. The end of the why is my parents room, and the two ends are my room and my sisters. (we have our own rooms) Im in mine right know. From my moms and dads bed, you can see our rooms. kk? kk. Anyway, I was fooling around on my parents bed, (i was younger,) and then, a ghost went in my sisters room from mine. (it was the weirdest thing) It wasnt very clear, but I swear it was a ghost. I was scared, and ran in my sisters room, AND NOTHING WAS THERE. after that, i like never went upstairs alone for awhile. 0-0

No, because ghosts don't exist. It's all in your head. I say, if you believe in ghosts, get some therapy, and don't watch any more Sylvia Brown.

I beileve in ghosts and I AIN'T CRAZY! My parents and I can smell my grandmas perfume in the computer room in our house, and non of my family has the same perfume as my grandmas, and before my sister moved out she says she saw a old man dressed in formal clothes would always sit by the window at night in my parents rooms, but late at night when I'm on the computer I would always feel like someone is watching me and I am not lying, our computer turns inself on also. Its kinda freaky but I'm not that scared because its just probably my grandma trying to contact us. :) Telling us that she is here. But I don't know much about the man in formal clothes. every night I would hear footsteps or clicking noises. Weird...

But if you say u don't believe in ghosts then you should watch

Come on, people. Get yourselves together! Ghosts??? That's ridiculous. Until I see one for myself, I will continue to think you are all nuts.

We are not nuts or crazy, my whole family believes in ghosts because they all have seen/talk to one, my aunt was stayin at my old grandmas house with her friend and shes says that the smoke alarm went off but there were not batterys in the alarm, and my aunt says that she had a convo with my grandma in the hall, she AIN"T CRAZY EITHER. So stop calling us crazy because were not, its our opinion that we beileve, so stick with ur own opinion

I beileve in ghosts and I AIN'T CRAZY! My parents and I can smell my grandmas perfume in the computer room in our house, and non of my family has the same perfume as my grandmas, and before my sister moved out she says she saw a old man dressed in formal clothes would always sit by the window at night in my parents rooms, but late at night when I'm on the computer I would always feel like someone is watching me and I am not lying, our computer turns inself on also. Its kinda freaky but I'm not that scared because its just probably my grandma trying to contact us. :p Telling us that she is here. But I don't know much about the man in formal clothes. every night I would hear footsteps or clicking noises. Weird...
But if you say u don't believe in ghosts then you should watch

is that video scary? (im a wimp :) )

No I thought it was when I saw it I didn't want to turn the sound on, but I watched it with no sound and then with sound, its not scary :)

I won't share my experiences, but long story short I used to live in a haunted apartment building, so yes I believe.

I don't believe in Halloween "boo!" scary ghosts, but I believe that people can come back in spirit form. I've just heard so many true stories about ghosts and seen so many ghostly things that I believe. And no, I'm not nuts. :)

Yes, I do believe. They help me out sometimes. If I drop something, they push my forward so I catch it. I won't even know it fell, and I just feel my self being shoved to catch it. Also, I remember a bit ago I was home alone for the night and I shut down the computer, so everything was off. I came back in the morning when I was still home alone, and the computer was on. It doesn't scare me, it just makes me feel good that I have spirits watching over me. :)

Ok, that sounds a little bit more reasonable. I do believe that there are some sort of spirits, but absolutely no ghosts, I mean, that's ridiculous. Angels and spirits, that's it. Ghosts and demons, that's just completely out of the question.

That video was interesting. In the description it says they didn't film anything, though, but then in the video it says they did, so I dunno.

My fiance says it's all BS and doesn't believe any of it.

^I mean, he believes in ghosts, but not what that video showed.

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Basiclly Ghosts are souls that have not makin it to the light, they have something to do on earth, but spirits are souls that HAVE made it to the light and sometimes visit you

I'm thinking I'll have to agree with your boyfriend.
Are you referring to me?

FIANCE... :)

He's had a lot of weird things happen to him, so he feels he knows what looks real and what doesn't I guess. :p

YES YES YES THEY ARE REAL!!!!!!!! Trust me I have had sooo many experiances with them. THEY ARE REAL!!! AND MY EXPIERENCES ARE REAL TOO!!! PM me if you wanna know the expereiances

EDIT: forgot to add, I have seen real pictures of ghosts. I swear it was sooooo creepy.

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