Do you bring electronics to school?


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Yes, but we're not supposed to. No cells, Mp3s, cameras, nothing. The only reason is fear of cameras for exposing kids online or something. I understand their reasoning, but we're not child stalkers or anything. The only reason the kids brought cameras to school was to take pictures of their friends, NOT random kids.

I still bring my cell phone to school- just for emergencys, lockdowns, or if I'm walking after school.

I bring my iPod because some teachers are cool enough to let us use them for class, and I drown out the sund of kids on my bus.

Lastly, I bring my camera. Why? It's my last year at this school, and I want to remember my friends and such. I only use it at recess, and I'm so stelth like I never get caught. :3 I guess you can say I'm a major law breaker.

I don't even put my friends pictures online, I develop them to use for scrapbooking purposes. I love photography and I'm not letting a stupid school rule stop me from bringing my cell either.

Anyways, my cell is on silent, so if someone calls it won't ring.

Yes - my DS Lite and my mobile phone (though I don't use it). I only play my DS Lite during the morning, recess and lunch.

Only my phone.

My sister's aloud to take any electronics. She can even sometimes (rarely) use them in class. She can play handheld video games in class if she's waiting for other people to finish their tests.

I'm only aloud to use them after school.

I bring my cell phone and my cheapo mp3 player. I have an iPod, but my mom got me a cheap $30 mp3 player to use on the school bus, as I've had an iPod stolen before at school. My current iPod, while it's engraved with my name, is still far too precious to take to school.

Yeah.At school breaking the rules is a number one habit for me.Oh well.

Yuppers. My cell phone, DS, iPod, and when we get all the championship football game pictures developed and off my camera, my camera.

Only aloud to use them after school though.

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I usually bring my Gameboy Advance to school, but since I got a DS Lite recently, I've been bringing that to play on the bus.

I also bring my cell phone with me, to take pictures, and in case of emergency.

As for them being allowed, the answer is no. If any teacher saw the things I brought to school, they will take it and you'd never get them back.

They go through your lockers to check if you have any of those things, but I have a lock on my backpack, and they say that's okay... o.o

I go to a wierd school...

- xd3vilx

I bring my phone every now and then.

There's a rule at my school that phones and other electronics must be turned off during classes, but can be used at lunch times in designated areas. If someone is caught with a phone and not abiding by the rules for the first time, it gets taken off them and taken to the office, which can then be collected at the end of the day. If you are caught the second time it is confiscated and taken to the office, but can only be collected by parents at the end of the day. Repeat offenders spend lunch times in the RTC (detention) and the phone stays at the office, only to be used at returned at lunch.


Yeah, I bring in all sort of hyper techno equipment- and no one knows... *evil laugh*

I hide them. The only time i didnt hide it was when I was playing my DS during GT. Eh, da teacher doesnt care, we only do fun things anyway. She actually played around w/ it XD

My tamagotchi v4.5 ^^ I don't know why,it keeps me happy >.<'

I sneak my iPod in my bag every morning, lol.

And my parents tell me to take my phone, but it's broken and I hate phones so I just take it anyway and leave it off.

I'm homeschooled, so I guess I really can't 'bring' electronics to school. I'm not allowed to use the computer for leisure for more than fifteen minutes during school hours, I can't play videogames during school, etc. And I think that's reasonable, because it [being videogames] really turns off concentration and one shouldn't be playing on Tamatalk and doing math at the same time. :huh: I do use my laptop for research in the latter part of the day, though. And also to write my story I'm doing for school, but thats it.

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What if you lose your DS!!!!

I love my DS so much

Bye :mimitchi: :p :p :wacko: :wacko:
If your respnsible then you will keep it in a safe place in your backpack. Besides its in your backpack and your take it everywhere in school. If you have a locker you keep it in there. No one knows your combination.

Yeah, I'm getting a phone and I'm gonna take that, I take my tamas, my DS, my GBA. Rules are a figment of the imagination. *nod nod* Anyway, in a few months, my primary are going on a stay-away trip, so, for the bus, we can take our electronics to keep us from singing xD I'm gonna take: My iPod, my phone, my DS, my GBA, etc.

My cell phone.

the lockers in my school, suck. Some of them, not mine, but most of them, you can pull the lever, with the lock on, and they open. So I only bring my cell phone.

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