Do you bring electronics to school?


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No, I don't. Not anymore, I use to play my DS after school when I walked home, and I use to sneak and play my tamagotchi's in class in the past.

No,you'll get in big trouble by the principal if you bring any kind of toys.I think he is strict >.>

My cell phone.
the lockers in my school, suck. Some of them, not mine, but most of them, you can pull the lever, with the lock on, and they open. So I only bring my cell phone.
You're lucky that you even GET lockers. We dont here and I have to carry my bag around all day! It weighs 2 kg! (aprox 4 lbs!) Yeah, I weighed it... :huh:

Anyway, yeah, as I said, i bring phone and iPod and tamas.

Yes, but we're not supposed to. No cells, Mp3s, cameras, nothing. The only reason is fear of cameras for exposing kids online or something. I understand their reasoning, but we're not child stalkers or anything. The only reason the kids brought cameras to school was to take pictures of their friends, NOT random kids.
I still bring my cell phone to school- just for emergencys, lockdowns, or if I'm walking after school.

I bring my iPod because some teachers are cool enough to let us use them for class, and I drown out the sund of kids on my bus.

Lastly, I bring my camera. Why? It's my last year at this school, and I want to remember my friends and such. I only use it at recess, and I'm so stelth like I never get caught. :3 I guess you can say I'm a major law breaker.

I don't even put my friends pictures online, I develop them to use for scrapbooking purposes. I love photography and I'm not letting a stupid school rule stop me from bringing my cell either.

Anyways, my cell is on silent, so if someone calls it won't ring.
yes same here!


You're lucky that you even GET lockers. We dont here and I have to carry my bag around all day! It weighs 2 kg! (aprox 4 lbs!) Yeah, I weighed it... :D Anyway, yeah, as I said, i bring phone and iPod and tamas.
I have a locker. Me have a choice to take our backpacks or leave him in the locker. I weigh my backpack. I carry 10 L.Bs to school everyday

Kinda. I bring my Ipod to listen to Audiobooks during class, but I'm not alloud doing other on it or my teacher will murder me alive.

Err, I occasionally bring my Tamagotchi. Thats about it.

Im not sure, I have never brought one besides a tamagotchi o_o

I am getting a nintendo DS soon and my school has a rule where you can only play with them during recess/lunch/free period..

So yeah xD

Uhh, sometimes I bring my DS Lite to school. But not normally.

I usually bring my MP3 to school! So I'll have something to listen to during the walk to school, during classes, and during the walk back! O.O

Yuppers. I bring my cell phone and mp3 and of course my tamagotchi's :3 If a teacher catches you using your cell phone or mp3 they'll send it to the office and you have to bring your parents and pay $15 to get it back. As for tamagotchi's, they fit in my hand so you can't really tell i'm playing with it o.o

I bring my cell phone every day. It's in my pocket. We're not supposed to have them, but I do. It's not a big deal, since half the teachers don't care. It's really obvious on me, and I've never gotten in trouble.

I bring my iPod and camera when I bring my purse. That's occasionally. Because, somedays, I just need my bag there with me. Then I listen to my iPod during lunch. Lunch is pandemonium, so nobody knows.

Yuppers. I bring my cell phone and mp3 and of course my tamagotchi's :3 If a teacher catches you using your cell phone or mp3 they'll send it to the office and you have to bring your parents and pay $15 to get it back. As for tamagotchi's, they fit in my hand so you can't really tell i'm playing with it o.o

Can they actually do that. o.o"

Thats a little bit unfair...15$ JUST to get your things back!?

wtf?Can they actually do that. o.o"

Thats a little bit unfair...15$ JUST to get your things back!?
That is unfair. Worse then getting a Saturday Detention.

Actually, it's not. But that still sucks.

I bring my phone to schol. That's it. It went off twice but my teachers didn't care. Well, they did, they just made me turn it off

I bring my ipod and my phone to school.

My ipod for walking to and from school (it isn't a long walk, but it's nice) and the phone for when I need to go places after school (it's much more coordinated) and if my friends need to borrow it.

We're allowed to have phones before and after school, and I don't like talking on the phone much anyway, so that isn't a problem, and although we're not supposed to have mp3s at any time a lot of people still bring them. Hardly anyone uses them during breaks anyways. Our breaks are short and there's no reason to use them.

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