Do you call yourself beautiful or hot?


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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Do you do that? I call myself beauitful, sexy, or hot to freak out others.

Because I find myself very unattractive.


I reckon I'm pretty fine :)

I would call myself pretty/hot/sexy depending on how I feel at the time and what I have on xD

I can also have the "OMG. I look like crap" Too, but thats reserved for the morning and when I'm sick.

It all depends on how I'm feeling, lol. Sometimes I feel beautiful and sometimes I don't. (Both outside and inside.)

I am kinds self entered. Well I was until I came on TT. People call me handsome but it embarresses me.

Eh Dx I like taking a photo and then showing a friend and going "DON'T I LOOK SO HOT LIKE WOW." So they have to agree so they don't make me feel bad :)

Aw, you're not ugly! You've got no idea how much I hear that from my friends. Its all a matter of how confident you are in your looks. For me... well, I dunno, really. I never talk about how I look because it makes me feel vain like RawryCakes.x said. Although even I can wake up in the morning and say, "What is with my hair?!"


So does your mother.

Oh burnnnn.

But really, no. Not if I'm being normal.


I do have a sexy outfit that I look hella sexy in.

So when I'm wearing that, yes, I say, "I totally rocked this outfit. Sexy much?" So there. :]

I call myself pretty or cute depending on the day xP
I hate being called hot or sexy. It just seems too sexual and almost insulting.
Agreed. I would prefer if someone call me "pretty" or "beautiful" rather than "hot".

I call myself normal. Sometimes I say: "I look pretty today."

But that's it.

Noo. Haha.

Well, sometimes if I put on some pretty makeup before going somewhere or a new shirt, I'll be like, "That's pretty~"

No, xD. Sometimes I might say I look okay, but for the most part I look pretty young for my age. good thing I'm somewhat tall

But I'm pretty sure I don't say beautiful or hot, though.. lol.

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