Do you care what people think about you?


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
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Do you care? Sometimes I do. Even though I shouldn't, but it's times when my self-esteem is really low and I start to think everyone is thinking something negative about me. Though most of the time I don't. Do you though?

I actually don't...Know O_O

Sometimes i do and sometimes i don't.

I don't want kids to talk behind my back

about bad things about me. But yet, sometimes

i could careless. I dunno >.o It's weird.

To an extent, yes.

I mean, it's kind of hard NOT to.

I take into consideration what people might think of me and how it'd effect them when I act or say.

But not like- 'ZoMG!111! i cAn'T dO T'iS or t'AT cuZ thEY tINK m3 w13rd!11!' In other words, I don't let what other people stop me from doinging/saying sometime that I need/want to do. ;D

It depends. I have gotten called some mean things before. Like 'fake' and...something else I'm not aloud to put on here. When the girl had nothing to back it up with.

In fact today, Some girl in my class told me that the 7th graders where making fun of the way I run. I didn't give a care. Because I run like the way I do so I can get ready for High School Track. So I try and run like the people on track.

If someone says something very mean about me, I care. But otherwise I don't think much of it. What someone thinks doesn't matter because they, Think. Not KNOW. And I have friends who don't think, they know so if they hear them say something about me, they can tell them what they know and set them stright.

well. It all depends on my mood weather or not I care.

When I have an exreamely optamistic personality than nothing bothers me.

but when I'm in a bad mood than the next off coment looses her head.(or at times I wish this would happen but I don't acctually get violent)

I rarely talk about people behind their backs at school or elsewhere so I usually tell myself if I don't talk about them they shouldn't be talking about me, even though it's probably not true 'cause I've caught people talking about me before. But I really don't care. They could call me a rainbow of swears, slander and lies but I really, really don't care.

Do you care? Sometimes I do. Even though I shouldn't, but it's times when my self-esteem is really low and I start to think everyone is thinking something negative about me. Though most of the time I don't. Do you though?
Usually no. I only care what the people close to me think. Friends and family are important to me, and someone who is close to me has earned the right to judge reasonably.

But even then sometimes I run into those who conclude on me too quickly and brush me off. It happens, and those people who have done that I have completely filtered them out of my life. I don't need that. I want supportive people who will tell me when I mess up and will be honest with me as well as respect me.

No as long as I am happy about myself it should not matter because I love myself! It doesnt matter what they think about me cause in the end if it is something mean about me then they probaly have noothing better to do.... cause messing with people can hurt them and if thats what you want to do then fine but expect for it all to come back at you!

Not particularly.

People have their opinions of me, be they good or bad. If they're bad, that's their problem. Not mine.

I worry more about what I think of myself rather than what others think of me. My opinions are the only ones that matter to me.

Not particularly.
People have their opinions of me, be they good or bad. If they're bad, that's their problem. Not mine.

I worry more about what I think of myself rather than what others think of me. My opinions are the only ones that matter to me.
Yeah exactly as long as you feel good about your self every thing will turn out as you hope sooner or later! So just ingore what they say and just listen to your self like SweetKandi said! You are totally right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In someways, yes, I do. For instance: If everyone thought I was a horrible, mean person, I would obviously be doing something wrong/bad and should probably try to stop being mean. If they think I'm weird though, it doesn't matter, because I'm not harming anyone else.

Well, sometimes.

I mean, everybody does at some point. Especially when you start going through puberty. You start caring how you look, how the boys think you look, about how others see you.....ect. ect.

I care sometimes, but other times I don't and jjust go with the flow!! ^-^

Kind of.


I'm very shy at times because I don't want to embarrass myself. I care about my aperence but barrely. For example, tomorow were having a dance after school so I'm buying a nice outfit tonight.

I don't care what others think about me sometimes though. I'm a tom-boy so some girls think I'm weird but I don't carre.

Sometimes... because it really hurts my feelings of what people say about me that's very hurtful. They just don't know how to treat a person that just want's a exciting life. Other times I couldn't care less! :p

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