Do you ever feel...


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
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Sometimes I feel like I'm older then my age and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm still 12. Then other times I might feel like I'm younger.


Do you ever have those times? I don't really know why it happens it just does and sometimes it annoys me 'cause sometimes I don't want to grow up. ><

Sometimes I feel like I'm older then my age and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm still 12. Then other times I might feel like I'm younger. 

Do you ever have those times? I don't really know why it happens it just does and sometimes it annoys me 'cause sometimes I don't want to grow up. ><
I thought you were like 14 since you sounded so mature....=\. Well I sometimes feel like I'm a few years older....although my height proves that I'm still tiny (being 5'2 isn't very tall when you're 12) I don't want to grow up either....when I entered 4th grade I could never imagine myself going to middle I'm going to middle school!

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I thought you were like 14 since you sounded so mature....=\. Well I sometimes feel like I'm a few years older....although my height proves that I'm still tiny (being 5'2 isn't very tall when you're 12) I don't want to grow up either....when I entered 4th grade I could never imagine myself going to middle I'm going to middle school!
You're tiny? xD I'm 12 also, and I'm 4"8. :) That makes me feel younger than I am too- the fact I'm a little short. And the fact I have the face of an 8 year old. xD

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I'm 12, (13 next month) but there are times when I feel much older.

And, I get mistaken for both grade 9's and grade 7's, which surprises me at times.

Considering that I'm Petite and 5'1, I look much younger than I actually am.

And the fact that we have 'Big'-waisted girl's who stand up at 6'0 in the class, that makes me look even smaller. :)

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I'm 12, (13 next month) but there are times when I feel much older.And, I get mistaken for both grade 9's and grade 7's, which surprises me at times.

Considering that I'm Petite and 5'1, I look much younger than I actually am.

And the fact that we have 'Big'-waisted girl's who stand up at 6'0 in the class, that makes me look even smaller. :)
o.o Your 12...? I always thought you were 14!! *looks back at your pictures* You seriously look older then twelve.

Anyways, sometimes I feel more mature then 11, but other times I feel/act like I'm 8. :p


You're tiny? xD I'm 12 also, and I'm 4"8. :) That makes me feel younger than I am too- the fact I'm a little short. And the fact I have the face of an 8 year old. xD
I have the face of a 15 year I'm a tiny 12 year old that looks like a tiny 15 year old.

I look like a fifth grader according to ignorant random people. It's very irritating when you meet some adult friend of your mom's and they says, 'so are you going into fifth grade?'. 'Um, no.... I'm going into highschool.' >.<

I look younger but I don't feel like a fifth grader, so no. I've felt more mature than some of my peers, but not nessicarily older.

You're tiny? xD I'm 12 also, and I'm 4"8. :p That makes me feel younger than I am too- the fact I'm a little short. And the fact I have the face of an 8 year old. xD
Im 12 and short too! I think im 4'9 or 4'8. I personally think im mature.I don't think look as close to a 14 year old as i feel. I mean, im short, but i sometimes feel im older than 12.

i dont wanna grow up im twelve and people mistake me for a 14 year old i know every one at my age wants to be 16 or 18 but i feel perfectly content on right here, right now cuz if we spend all our time preparing to be old then we would have never had our youth :p

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Yeah, I agree with Doglover10.

Most of your happy days come from your youth. You can never come back to being a child.

Most of the time, I feel much younger than 13. My favourite movies are cartoons (Lilo & Stitch >>>) and sometimes I still play made up games with my younger brothers' dinosaur toys, even if he isn't around. Tamagotchis aren't very popular around the teens than the younger kids either. I also feel younger than everyone else because I have never had a boyfriend because my mum won't let me till I'm 16. If you ask me, that is a long way away. But having a boyfriend is not be all and end all.

Other times I feel much older than 13, but not very often.

I feel older than I am. I'm only 10, I'm probably the smartest in my apartment, none of the kids know what a library is, and most of them are older than me, and can't spell anything at all. XD

I'm the only one whom reads, I feel 14-15ish...

Hm good question!


I feel like...I don't know...


When I'm around my friends I act like I'm 7 years old :)


But when I'm around Parents/Adults I feel like I'm my normal age (14)


But in general, I feel like I'm 14 or 15! lol! :D



I would like to think that I act older then I actually am, however most people like to think that they are older then they act. Ethier that or there's this thing going around where people think it's cool to be immature. To that, my general response is "whatever you say..."

So, no, I don't really act older then I am, nor do I trick myself into believing that I do. It's just one of those things people do to convince themselves that they're speshul.

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