Do you ever make up words?


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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I do. All the time. It's because I can't think of the real word, or my word just sounds cooler.

Magic = Magicality

Constructing = Constructioning

Weird + boredom = Weirdom [Lol, Ksenia]

And much more...

Words from other words:

Munkie=Crazy Person

Ductionary=A smart duck

Tatamagotchi=tamagotchi (its funner to say)

Some of my made up language of Irikeen (EE-rek-en)

Nemo(nee-mo)=shut up




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Well of course.

And very often, I don't even mean to. It just comes out wrong, and people will laugh and copy me when they want to say the same thing.

Well, we have somewhat of a house language. I can't think of any words now. They just kind of come up and blend in.

Does anyone else have words they just use at home?


I like to add ''ling'' to everything.

Amazingling, antling, bearling, catling 8D.

In my household, we make up words that consist of Russian and English. We understand them perfectly, its amazing.

^ I do that with french, english and chinese.

Example : "You needa write a resume"

It does not mean write a job application, it means write a summary because resume = summary in french.

All the time. I won't expose them as you may theif my words and I do like people theifing maa words.
Mm, same here. xP

But YES I make up words. Some of you should know that (~~~Word of the Day, ZOMG~~~~) 8D

Flurgle is a famous wotd. xD

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