Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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I don't know many people in my year very well but one cheated on the guy I really like with her best friend. I feel so bad for poor Raven. Dumped because his girlfriend wanted to date her plastic best friend.

Tall boys scare me.

I haven't had one since I started existing in this world buuuut...

I admit to liking a certain guy. XD

Just the other day, actually, Dylan asked me why I never just dated guys and accepted their faults. He asked me if I was implying that I was too good for them? I honestly don't know. They're just looking for all the wrong things.

Like, at age thirteen, the guys opinions of 'love' are all messed up. Love isn't about thinking a girl is pretty or funny. Those compliments don't mean all that much to me from a guy. It's kinda hard to explain. Being clumsy, they want to protect me. Being popular, they want to achieve that social status too. Being spazzy, they are entertained. And then they hurt me. I think true love exists, though. Look at all the married-and-in-love people. Sure, a ton of them get divorced. But not all.

So yeah. Whatever, 'love'. Maybe one day you'll treat me fairly.

ha! I wish I had a boyfriend...I don't think anyone would want to date girl who looks like me...

^ Yeah, a boy who's idiotic. You are so pretty! I think you're the only person I've ever seen with such beautiful hair. So blonde and wavy... and your eyes are just as pretty! Trust me. You'll find someone who loves everything about you. ;]

As for me? Naw. I don't have a boyfriend. I think 13 is wayy to young for any relationship. ;3

No, I do not have a boyfriend. And I totally choose that. I've been asked out multiple times, but I just don't 'do' relationships anymore. I've really only been in about three relationships, and I've been the one to 'break up' in all three situations.

The sad thing is, the guys I normally date/go out with do everything right. I had an older boyfriend when I was in 8th grade. He took me out every Friday night. One night, while we were waiting for our rides after seeing a movie, he told me he loved me. It was cold and icey outside, and when my ride came, he told me to get home safely. When I was at home, he even called me and checked to make sure I made it home safe. He remembered my birthday, got me presents, and was so sweet. He never rushed me into anything, and respected me a great deal. Therefore, I respected him. But around Christmas of that year, I felt I had to break off from him. He just wasn't for me. I didn't get excited to see him, I didn't get butterflies in my stomach when I was around him, nothing.

And then I dated a long time friend of mine, Justin. I used to like him, but when we started dating, it was just too late for me. I felt bad for leading him so far. We would text each other all the time. We went to the semi-formal winter dance together, and we went to the movies a few times. He invited me to art shows and everything, and asked me out. I told him I just wasn't for a relationship right now, and he said, "It's okay, I understand. I'll wait until you're ready." He's such a sweatheart, but there's just nothing there for me.

Which is why I don't date anymore. I hate having to reject people over and over again like that. I feel like a whore who just likes breaking guys and watching them hurt. Plus I get bored extremely easily, and relationships feel suffocating and they require commitment, which I naturally shy away from.

So no, I don't date. I'm single, and I'm a very happy single. Maybe in a few years I'll feel ready to settle down with a guy in a serious relationship. But I'm definately not looking for it now. I don't need a guy to complete me.

Well i used to have a boyfriend name Junior and a few days later I founded out that he was cheating in me with a another girl. I could never trust him again.

Then there was another time that he had asked me out and I was like for what and then he had said because he was bored.

And every time he wants me to go out with him i reject it because he is not going to play with my emotions anymore.

Well i used to have a boyfriend name Junior and a few days later I founded out that he was cheating in me with a another girl. I could never trust him again.
Then there was another time that he had asked me out and I was like for what and then he had said because he was bored.

And every time he wants me to go out with him i reject it because he is not going to play with my emotions anymore.
You go girl!

I don't have a boyfriend, and I've never had one.

I think for something to really work, it has to be true love. So many times people's feelings get hurt, but it's only because their love wasn't true. And that just sounds cheesy, doesn't it? True love? It's rare to find, I'll tell you that.

:furawatchi: Yes I have a boyfriend and i'm so happy because he makes me happy soooooooooo yea you get the point about how happy i am... -_- -_- :)
I just want to know. But myself I don't have a boyfriend but I am despretly wanting one.
I might have a girlfriend when I am 14-15 not 11

Most kids in my class have a girl/boyfriend but I think it is pathetic

I mean "relationships" and "going out" at 11 is just stupid

I might have a girlfriend when I am 14-15 not 11
Most kids in my class have a girl/boyfriend but I think it is pathetic

I mean "relationships" and "going out" at 11 is just stupid
Well ur right but well since almost every girl in my class has a boyfriend i've been getting jelouse because I'm the only girl who is single in my class and I feel left out. How do you know my age? Oh never mind don't answer that question... I found out the answer. My Profile.

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