Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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no boyfraaaand.:)

naw, everyone my age who dates doesn't even talk.

they just walk around together; sometimes.

i have a couple guy-friends. and some guys in my school like me..

but i don't care. I'm siinnglleee O:

Nope. No Boyfriend for me.

Never had one at all.

I'm 15.

I doubt I'd ever get a bf though. Even when I go to the highschool again in September. But I'll be in 9th Grade. [Again. I should actually be going to 11th Grade, As I will be 16 this year. -fail-]

When I'm around a guy I have a crush on, I feel all, Blah. I stutter when I talk, I can't look them in the eye. The only thing that stops me from acting like an idiot, is talking to guys about Sports. I also laugh at most of their jokes. Most of them. Not all of them.

Which is probably why I don't have crushes too often.

I've never even so much as Hugged a guy. Heck, I've never even Held a guy's hand. Or anyone's hand for that matter.

I'm not exactly a social person. Actually, I'm far from it. I never go anywhere. People never invite me to parties, whatever.

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Still none. Although Olly seems to think I was all over him the other day. But no, he was the one who wouldn't let me go.

Anyway, I only ever see couples walking and holding hands, if that! They never do anything together these days. I want a guy who'd go to the park and play or go swimming (I am so nearly recovered from hydrophobia I just want to swim my life away) or movies etc.

well, i kinda did...we never asked each other out or anything. our friends assumed we were going out and spread it...including the guy. >.<

those 3 weeks were HELL. we never kissed, hugged, or held hand either. waste a my TIME.

Don't have one, never did

I'm always called the "goth/emo" girl. No one wants to go out with the emo girl, basically.

I've been asked out a couple of times. Probably jokes though. I have a pretty small school, too.

mmhm I do. I can honestly say I love him, and he loves me. We've been dating for a little over a year. Actually I want to figure it out.... a Year. A month. Six days. Sevenish hours. Not too long really. But I'm very happy :D sort of.... well we're in very sad situations in our lives.... I'm a lot happier because of him though.. in fact I had never been happy before I was in love with Ryan.

No boyfriend.

But I'm crushing on someone. ;D He has a pretty unusual name, so if anyone that knew him read this, they'd instantly know its him.

I have a boyfriend,

We love each other, and yeah :D

So we've been going out for 1 year, 1 month and.. 12 days. lmao

We've broken up like 3 times, but keep getting back together..

Sometimes I'm not sure if it's worth it, but in the end, I believe it is.

I think that we'll be together forever, because we just can't stay away from each other, and we both know that we can't see each other with anyone else but each other. :p

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

I've HAD 3 boyfriends. But they were all Idiots :ph34r:

I'm crushing on someone though :3

> <; Yes I do have a boyfriend...

We've almost been together for two years! *Claps*

I love him to death and I care for him dearly.

Sometimes he can be a little clingy when I need my personally space.

But he does faintly understand that. xD

He's just so amazing. @.@ And I hope we last for many...Many years to come!

No; not at the moment. I don't want one anymore.

I use to have one though; he was cool at first but then he started to get arrogant. He was very clingy, and he kept on dissing my friends...

... I'm much happier now. :lol:

Don't have one, never did
I'm always called the "goth/emo" girl. No one wants to go out with the emo girl, basically.

I've been asked out a couple of times. Probably jokes though. I have a pretty small school, too.
Adding to this, my school doesn't have alot of good boys (in my opinion)

But I'm hopelessly crushing

No, but I want one really badly. I've never had a real boyfriend before, honestly, because I used to be quiet and I pretty much had no friends. I was really messed up.

I'm better now though and I think guys are seeing me in that way. I have a lot of guy friends because i think guys are easier to talk to, and less drama occurs. I like my friend Nick. ;D

I'm just waiting for the right guy/right time/right whatever.

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[SIZE=7pt]I was dating my dream guy... [who lives across the ocean, mhmm] and we decided to wait until the school year ends until we decided to move forward.[/SIZE]

I asked for her permission to ask out this one guy, who I really like and think is sweet. Everyone in school hates him- my friends, everyone. But the thing is, you judge people before you get to know them...


I've never had an "official boyfriend" just awkard relationships.

I don't have a boyfriend. but I like my friend so much. He's cute, funny, and sweet. He's just so perfect for me. I laugh at all his jokes. He's on my bus and we text and IM everyday for hours. I can't find the courage to tell him I like him though. Well, I don't wanna screw up my friendship with him.

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I don't have a girlfriend.

But, there are these girsl who are mad crazy about me (yes, I know it sounds conceited, but it's true)

But, I'm fair keen on somebody else, but am afraid to 'do anything' with them in case of hurting ^those people.

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