Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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Lawl, nahh.

I've been told that 3 guys like me, and I assume one. I'm not really keen on relationships at the moment... I don't feel like I need it. I'm just keen on building up FRIENDSHIPS.

Time will come...

Edit: TYPO O:

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none at the moment, and happy about it.

i don't need a guy to be happy~

its not that no one likes me or anything,

there's a lot of guys out there that like, practically stalk me.

its not something i like,

in most cases

i can't help it that i'm a flirt- it's just natural for me

and it tends to give guys the wrong image >___>

but i do like somebody at the moment

but its probably pointless...

he'd never like me

Nope, I'm single. Single and lovin' every minute of it.

Boys, not for me. Sure, if there's a nice guy willing to go out with me I'd probably say yes, but at the moment, I find no guys worthy of going out with. Most boys at this age (12-14) are immature and stupid. They just go out with girls to look cool. And another thing, I definitely don't want to end up like my best friend who's boy crazy.

Ever since she went out with that one idiot she's been obsessed with having a boyfriend. She's always like "Nicki, find me a boyfriend." And then when she finally does have a boyfriend she likes to make sure everyone knows about it so she'll look cool. It's so annoying. She also likes to rub it in my face. "-sigh- Oh, it's so great to not be single."

And yet I love her all the same. Aren't I strange? Well, whatever. Point being, I don't have a boyfriend, nor am I boy crazy.

im currently single... and ive made a promise to myself to only date someone whos kindhearted and sensitive and not self centered.... i hate her!! :( ;)

yeah, but Im not so sure about him anymore. he is kind of stalkerish now, but im like the center of his universe. I want to break up with him but Im afraid Ill break his heart in the process.

Hes gettin WAAAAAAY too obsessed with me.....he says if i leave him he'll commit just afraid that if i do, he'll show me he wasnt joking.

HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!! what do i do????? :rolleyes: :huh: :huh:

Yes, actually. -prepares to be brick'd-

I didn't know it, but Michael had had a small thing for me since the very beginning of the year, but we never talked.. Until I decided to transfer schools. We just started talking over vacation and it sort of grew into a bigger thing.. ._.

But he's really sweet. And even if it doesn't work out that way, I know he at least considers my feelings important.

Nope. I haven't had one for a while actually.

Guys usually see me as more of a friend. I think my personality is a bit too outgoing. I don't know.

I never really take chances with guys either. And when I guy would ask me out, I usually tense up and turn them down. It's kind of mean, but when I like someone else they're the only person ever on my mind.

Whatever. I'm fine being by myself.

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