Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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that is pefect yep 11 12 13 mayby year ld people say i am too young or ewwwww gross!!!!!! well once your hormones kick in you will love someone :D i thought the same thing now i see things through a different eye! like this one girl davia i hated her and thought she was ugly then things turned ;) now i ike someone who i am planning to ask out on my friends b day ;)
Hormones won't make you love anyone.

It's just lust you're feeling.

I have a boyfriend and there's no way I love him yet, I like him though :)

Love is really nothing more than a chemical reaction in which serotinin one of the main chemicals.


Chemically, the serotonin effects of being in love have a similar chemical appearance to obsessive-compulsive disorder; which could explain why some people in love cannot think of anyone else. For this reason some assert that taking SSRIs and other antidepressants, which treat OCD, impede one's ability to fall in love.

Just wanted to clear that up :)

no but i sooooooooooo want one badly altho im sorta half dating this guy i sit next 2 in class(that is not my fave person in the world btw.)i have a massive crush on a guy that im scared to even look at.

I don't have anyone, and I don't want anyone but the person I like. I've never really been interested in dating, although I have been curious about what having a boyfriend would be like, I don't really care anymore. I wouldn't ever date/want to date anyone I didn't love alot.

Lets just say I like this guy, and the dance is this Friday. At lunch he was sitting at the table behind us. (he is my friend though) So my friend who I was sitting next to asked me if I had a date to the dance on Friday. I said no, and she asked if I wanted to go with... him, and I said sure. So she yells "HEY DAN!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU WANT TO GO TO THE DANCE WITH JAMIE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" And I am all like "O_O..." I was so embarrassed but he said yes. I don't know if we are really "going out" yet.

It's been nearly 6 months since my ex and I broke up... I just want to hurry up and move on but I just don't love anyone at all at the moment.

It's almost like the breakup crushed my ability to love.


I know there's a special someone just for me but I'm done with getting hurt.


I'll admit I did have one in the past but now I realise that relationships can cause fights with other people.I also think im a bit young too.I am at least going to wait until I'm older and more mature.

Hormones won't make you love anyone.It's just lust you're feeling.

I have a boyfriend and there's no way I love him yet, I like him though :)

Love is really nothing more than a chemical reaction in which serotinin one of the main chemicals.


Chemically, the serotonin effects of being in love have a similar chemical appearance to obsessive-compulsive disorder; which could explain why some people in love cannot think of anyone else. For this reason some assert that taking SSRIs and other antidepressants, which treat OCD, impede one's ability to fall in love.

Just wanted to clear that up :)
Hm. I don't believe love is 'nothing more than a chemical reaction.' I think it's much MUCH deeper than that. Love is like, everything. Maybe serotonin is a part of lust, but actual love is so much more.

[Don't take it personally, though, Michelle - we disagree on most of the deeper subjects but ILY anyway xD]

I've had three boyfriends- I'm not one to date every single guy I find attractive. I, currently, am single, but that doesn't mean no one likes me. I have guys and girls that like me, but I don't want to date at the moment. I'm hapilly single, and none of the people who like me really appeal to me than friends. I feel a little mean for saying it, but I'm not going to force myself to like them.

When I get broken up with, I don't care. I don't cry, or waste my time. Why? I've never been in love. I hate it when people are like, "oh, he was cute. You sad he left you? Did you cry? Need to cry?" Over and over. As if, like I'm a 'stereotypical boy crazy teenaged girl'. I'm far above that in sensibility, and that's something you don't see often. Well, atleast in my school.

This has to be one of the hardest questions ever.

My life is screwed up this way. It's sorta like 50 50.

Technically, no. But if you knew the full story...

I used to say "I don't want one and I really don't need one", but now I'm going to have to change my views on this.

I don't have a boyfriend, but I want one. I'm thinking (well, planning really) to do something about it.

I looked through the topic to see what I put a while ago xD

well i said i'm glad i was single because of all the jerks i was with.

but noww, i have a boyfriend, and i enjoy every moment i'm with him :)

I think I'm too picky xP
I look at guys, and go, "Not good enough!" But the thing is, I don't really think I deserve someone all that great, I should just get used to the trash I'm presented with.
Same. I'm too picky...

Currently single and very happy. :D

I've had two previous boyfriends... they weren't really "actual relationships", more of just hanging together at lunch, going to dances together, and being science partners.

The first one was a bit too "in my life" for me. He didn't give me enough space and privacy, which I value the most in my life. He went a little too fast for me, but he went slower when I asked. He still wouldn't go as slow as I'd like. He was very, very sweet and caring though, and we're still really good friends.

The second one however, now that I look back on it, was a catastrophe. He didn't wait for me, even though I asked him to. He was nice... at first. After three months of dating over the summer (which is the same length as my first one, and just concluded of hanging out with our friends together), he got his friend to dump me over MSN.

I'm currently in 8th grade, and I think I'm going to pospone having a boyfriend until high school, at least, until I get used to commitment. Being in a relationship feels "suffocating", and I value my freedom too much. And I tend to take things quite slowly, and unfortunately, I haven't met a guy that feels the same way about that yet.

if i could have any boy in the world i would have of course someone who treats me right. maybe alittle bit of a perv[lol],and well... just a nice guy!

sigh, i wish

look at my siggy

then u will know who i want

<3 <3 <3


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^ It's not gross, T-K. Everyone falls in love at some point in their life. I'm sure you will. Just wait. ;3 When I was young I thought it was gross too. But it's not. It's a wonderful thing and without it... well... we wouldn't survive~

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