Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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i do <3 :]
Yay! <3

As of today, yes. :D

We went out to the movies and round town last Friday and now we're official! He's gorgeous and funny and sweet and I really like him - that's pretty much all there is to it. He's just so amazing and I really hope this works out. :)

No, I'm single, and actually, I love it.

Me and the ex I fell hard for are getting to the talking stage again.

I'm happy with that.

I honestly can't date. The year and a half relationship with above stated guy, kinda scarred me.

The break-up I mean.

So, guys are more of my friends for the time being. :)


Don't you just hate it when boys play with your heart and screw up your head?

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No, I actually think 13 is to young to have a relationship. Many guys have asked me, but I'm just not ready yet. D: Maybe when I get into high school. : D

My best friend has been going out with guys since she was nine. xP Some of my friends have already had they're first kiss already! I think I'm the only one among my friends who hasn't gone out with a guy before. D: I feel so alone. ):

There are some kindergartens in my school who've already kissed. Kids grow up so fast. D:

Don’t have one, don’t want one. By my school’s standard you probably should have had sex by that age, but I don’t care. I prefer being a free b**** >:^D

Indeed. I'm happily married to Adam Lambert <3 ;]


On a serious note; As of right now, not really. I don't like any of the guys that are single and my age that go to my school. But personally, I'm not too bothered. I'm prepared to wait for the right guy, most definitely.

Nawp, I sure don't. I could really use one though. I was dateing this "sensitive" "awesome" "grand" boy but it turns out he is confused and needs to get his s**t straight. Well, I knew there was another girl, so finally he told me. And OMg it was fugly mander, lol. She looks like horsie/bi***. Well, on a better note ball seasons here so BOY WATCHING 4 me. :lol: :mellow:

I have a boyfriend :p

I've been with him for a few months now.

His name is Danny. (short for Daniel)

No, I actually think 13 is to young to have a relationship. Many guys have asked me, but I'm just not ready yet. D: Maybe when I get into high school. : D
My best friend has been going out with guys since she was nine. xP Some of my friends have already had they're first kiss already! I think I'm the only one among my friends who hasn't gone out with a guy before. D: I feel so alone. ):

There are some kindergartens in my school who've already kissed. Kids grow up so fast. D:
Yeah, 13, in my opinion, is too young to have a relationship. It's best to enjoy your freedom while it lasts.

Don't feel left out, i'm in 9th grade and neither me, nor any of my friends have dated anyone or kissed anyone, it's pretty normal.

And i agree, kids grow up too fast these days, my four year old cousin is already in love. o_O

I didn't have my first relationship till I was 15, and looking back, 15 seems so young even though I'm only 2 years older.


All of my friends had boyfriends from when they were 11-13 so I was always feeling left out. I don't think anyone should rush into things like that though. If you feel like you're in love, go for it! Age is just a number ... but there is no need to go out with someone just because everyone else has someone.




In other news, Danny has gone away for a while. I want him to come home! :)

And i agree, kids grow up too fast these days, my four year old cousin is already in love. o_O
I know right? It's pathetic. Love blooms overtime, you have to let it do its own thing.

As I've said, no boyfriend for me. I'm fourteen, and not interested in having an actual relationship. I've got guy friends, and I may even like one of them, but I'll see what happens, you know?

The best relationship I've ever experienced is my cousin and her boyfriend. They've been together for about 4-5 years now, with only one fight. They're adorable together and we all love her boyfriend. He's like a part of our family. :)

Since the last few posts have been about age..

Many people think I'm too young to date my boyfriend..

Mark is Seventeen, I'm Fourteen. But people just don't know either one of us..

I've been mistaken to be about sixteen, because of my looks and maturity level. I'm definitely a lot more mature than more people my age are. Mark isn't an average seventeen year old. He doesn't party every weekend or pressure me into things I don't want to do. He looks younger than he actually is. We are a lot closer than everyone realizes. We talked for about 5 months straight until we decided to date, so we didn't rush things.

Yeah. Everyone thinks I'm too young. But I think I'm mature enough to handle a loyal relationship.


I'm like, eleven or so.Way too young for me x3 .

Heaps of kids at my school who are 12 'go out' with each other ._.

About two or three people liked me at my school? Gah, but I didn't like them though. Dx

[Chris getting a boyfriend ....LOADING]

No, no boyfriend at the moment. This guy & I were talking, but then it fell through. Then we talked again. & then it fell through. Then we talked again & we finally decided to stop becuase it just wasn't gonna work. But that reallyyy hurt me. So, no boyfriend until I get over Sam...

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