Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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Nah, and I don't really want to get in a deep relationship. I'm only fourteen, going on fifteen. (;

I do like this guy, but we're good friends. So I enjoy hanging out with him.

Yep. The love of my life. :) We got together when I was 19. We're a bit over 3 years now. He's my first relationship too.

I have one...I actually got surprised when he asked me to be his girlfriend because I'm not the prettiest girl around...we have a lot in common so it's easy and nice to talk to him but the thing is he lives in another country but we still manage...I also get worried when I don't hear from him in a long time nd normally I can't get him out of my head...I guess you can say i'm head over heels in love :)

I used to have an awesome boyfriend a couple months back but we broke up, and i dont really care about guys now. You just gotta wait for the right one lol

Not anymore.. He was a douche. He just left me randomly, then wanted me back. He really needs to figure himself out, hahah.

I have my eyes on someone else at the moment.. just hope for the best.

Not anymore.. He was a douche. He just left me randomly, then wanted me back. He really needs to figure himself out, hahah.I have my eyes on someone else at the moment.. just hope for the best.
That happened to me about a month and a half ago, ha.

Now I have my eye on my ex's best friend... which makes me sound like a terrible person, but I can't help it. His best friend and I were really close before my ex and initially started going out. And he likes me. A lot. But it's sticky because he has a girlfriend and they've been going out for over a year and a half... ugh. I really don't know what's going to happen with this :/

That happened to me about a month and a half ago, ha.
Now I have my eye on my ex's best friend... which makes me sound like a terrible person, but I can't help it. His best friend and I were really close before my ex and initially started going out. And he likes me. A lot. But it's sticky because he has a girlfriend and they've been going out for over a year and a half... ugh. I really don't know what's going to happen with this :/
Dude, I'm in kind of a similar situation DX I like my ex's best friend, but on the flip side he likes MY best friend. And so does the guy I like TT^TT Everyone's in love with her and I'm just left in the dust.. life sucks

I really apperciate the amount of people who realize they don't need a boyfriend/girlfriend

to live their life! YAY! *claps* :3

Save the drama and heartache for when your older and ready for it! >.<;

Don't listen to your hormones!



Me and my boyfriend were in a real rough patch together. D:... For a long time.

But we've finally gotten threw it! And were stronger then ever. :eek: ♥ HUZzaH!

It's nice to finally be in an adult relationship. (And we've almost hit the 3 year mark! :3 Woot.)

So now i might have a crush on this guy i met at a party. i knew him before but not very well, he was in my government class last semester...But he's a freshmen :| Hm.

We talked for like 2 seconds on FB over the weekend...I havent really been able to since. D: Idk.

I've pretty much decided to not do anything much with boys until senior high after summer. The last guy I liked totally screwed with my head and it totally screwed up our friendship after he started dating this girl (I describe her with words that shouldn't be used on this site. I mean, she purposely rubs it in my face that he likes her as well much more).

Still nope!

One of my best friends has one,

My other best friend's so uber close to getting one,

I'm a loner all on my own D;

But seriously, I don't mind.

Althoooough, I really really like someone.

Weiwei -- I'm happy for you and Stephen!

Ugh; it's kind of weird.

So this guy is 13 && I'm 15. My best friend thinks it's very pedophile-ish. But I can't help it. This guy is the sweetest, cutest, funniest guy everr. He got me flowers for the show that he only came to for his sister. And guess what? IT WAS A FREAKIN' BOUQUET! && he told me I'm beautiful. No guy has ever told me that. Sure, some tell me I'm cute, or maybe even pretty. But he was the first to call me beautiful. && We were watching a slideshow of a bunch of pics from show choir this year & when we got to a certain point in the show, he said, "That was the competition we started holding hands." <3333

What to do my friends?

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