Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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^Everything you just said right there, except I have a dance coming up...o_O ugh...dances. AND THIS IS MY FIRST ONE!!! [SIZE=8pt]I'm scared...[/SIZE]

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I'm still happily taken, although my boy, Elliott, has hopped on over to Aussie for 12 days. Oh well, I'll get to see him soon :)

Our 6 month mark is coming up soon. Almost half a year with my wee poppet.

I don't think I could be any happier with my relationship at the moment :)

I keep posting in this, but I do now :)
First ever boyfriend, but he's the sweetest guy I know.

Gave me his hoodie today at Lunch because I was freezing my butt off and at the end of the day he gave me a Red Bull, because he knows just how much I'm addicted to it.

Couldn't wish for anyone better atm ♥
Go, Ksenia!

I'm 14, almost 15, and I've never had a boyfriend. In fact, I don't think that any guy has liked me in a year... (long story).

Yes, boys have liked me, and I've had tons of crushes.

Does it get me anywhere, though? No :/

I'm kinda starting to lose hope...

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I'm single, and not looking for anything at the moment. I have come to realization that boys are quite a distraction for me, and now that I'm back in school I don't want anything at the moment. Besides, I haven't found a good enough guy to satisfy me.

my girlfriend is anna she is so *removed - site rules* kawaii

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Not that you guys care, but, still no. xD
There's this guy I like. A lot. He has no idea, though. We're friends, but I'm not going to tell him how I truly feel unless he asks me right then and there. I'm happy being just friends with him for now, and if love wants to bloom, it will. And I'm okay with that.

I honestly do not want to have a boyfriend now. I'm too young; too scared. I want to get school out of the way first, and make sure I've got a steady lifestyle planned out beforehand.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from.

Guys have liked me, and I've had lot of crushes, but I've never had a boyfriend.

I'd like to have a one, but at the same time, I don't.

I'm 14, and in this society, it's okay to have a boyfriend at my age. I don't feel ready for one, though.

It's better to just focus on school and friends for now :D

After all, you've got your whole life ahead of you...

& also, I don't really like anyone at the moment.

Weellll... actually, there is this one guy. xD We've talked a few times, but he's not in any of my class, so I hardly know him at all... *sigh*

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Oh my, this year seven kid keeps asking me out. At first we were pretending to like eachother. Just a little joke. Now he's gone all serious. xD

On a proper relationship side, no.. but sort of.. but no. /complicated.

No. The girl I like is going out with someone else :)

wait do you all go to the same skool cus you are all talking abiut this guy called Jordi I have no idea who he is

EDIT: I didnt know how much pages this had never mind my previous commenys

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Nope, haven't had a boyfriend in seven or eight months. Sometimes I want one, sometimes I feel like I'm better off single.

But, I DO like someone, and he says he likes me too. We've already kissed twice, and he holds my waist and stuff alot or teases me. We sort of have a "thing", but we're not dating. I want to, but that's totally up to him .

I don't remember if I posted here yet, but...

Yes, I do. I'm dating my best friend, and I'm extremely happy. We've been dating for over a month now. :)

Yes I do :) She is actually a member here on TT ^^


My best friend swears I'll find one fairly soon (although I also have plenty of time)

But I think I'm forever alone. Hahaha :3

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