Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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no and i never will lol :D

no one has ever liked me because i'm not pretty at all and middle/early high school boys are dorks :D

I can't count how many times girls have said they would date me if I weren't so annoying.


I've never had a real boyfriend. I'm almost 16/in 10th grade but yeah.. There have been a couple of awkaward situations with guy friends where we might have kind of liked each other but it didn't turn out so well in the end. I'm glad though. But yeah.. besides that.. nope. xD I might just drive people away with my eccentric oddities. x3 And I don't feel all that pretty either. :U

I'm happy to have my friends and family though, who love me despite my weirdness. And even though I've wanted a boyfriend many times in the past and I'm somewhat of a hopeless romantic sometimes, I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now. So I'm enjoying the single life B)

Nope, I've liked a few guys, but none that I've really wanted to date. I have TONS of time to worry about that though so, I'm not too worried :)

Some boys I know have crushes on me. I find I'm so much of a boy I suppose they find common things in me and themselves?

I personally don't like the idea of love but yea.

I have a guy I used to have a thing with last year..

We've been talking a lot lately and hopefully I'll get my first boyfriend!

It's kind of awkward being 15 and have never dated someone before.. Like, I had lots of guys

ask me out and like me, but once he told me I didn't feel the same way. It's confusing.

Anyway, I'm happy that I can finally give it another go with him! :)

i dont have one in real life because some people can turn abusive and want sex. gross. i dont want sex, nor kids, for the rest of my life! :angry:

though i have crush on someone who isnt real *see signature* O////O

i dont have one in real life because some people can turn abusive and want sex. gross. i dont want sex, nor kids, for the rest of my life! :angry:

though i have crush on someone who isnt real *see signature* O////O
Not all people are like that. And if they really love you, they will respect that you don't want to have sex. Trust me. My ex and I got along most of the time, and even though we fought, it was never an abusive relationship. And we never had sex, even though he asked me too. I stood my ground, saying no, and he said he'd wait, too.

Nope. I'm too busy. I'm trying to focus on grades so I can be an extra in TV shows this summer (I think it would be a cool thing to do) Plus I'm trying to get into rugby next season. I do have a crush though. And if anybody asks me out he'll have to understand that my schedule is full a lot of the time.. :/

No but fingers crossed, I kind of like one of my new friends, but I'm not sure, the last time I fell for a friend I got my heartbroken D:

No, but i have a crush on this guy called James Bently and I think he likes me too!!! But I never had a boyfriend before.... >.<

Unless you mean to hang out with boys :) I had no friends so I had no choice...

the last post was somewhat edited by my cousin, srry. --''

i dont have any boyfriends, but i see people holding hands in the school i feel really lonely. a guy thats not in my class likes me but hes weird and touches girls butts o_O

the last post was somewhat edited by my cousin, srry. --''

i dont have any boyfriends, but i see people holding hands in the school i feel really lonely. a guy thats not in my class likes me but hes weird and touches girls butts o_O
Guys do weird stuff like that, a lot. My almost-boyfriend and I always grab each others' butts and put tape on it. It's like a game. xD

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