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I had one when I was 5 and I loved it !!! :(

Now, I'm 10, and I think it's stupid !!!

So I gave it to my 5 year old brother .

Heheh. You just dug up a pretty old post there. x3 Oh, well, might as well post....

Yep. I've got one. :S Actually, the one that actually belonged to me broke a while back...the buttons came out! :mametchi: But I've got my sister's old one right now. No batteries, though.

They were the first digital sort of pet I ever had. I liked them, but since I was so young, I would get upset when they died. For whatever reason, RakuRakus have a habit of dropping dead like mayflies.

Concerning that website that showed them...I've never seen the angel or demon things! How on earth...? Usually, it would be adult stage...move for a while, then boom - dead. You couldn't do anything with them once they were adults, either.

Huh. And that growth chart. I could've sworn I had a pterodactyl once. Maybe not...Otherwise, looks accurate.

EDIT: Ah, might've been that demon/dragon thing! Apparently, that and the angel dude appear if you take really good care of your dinosaur. Hm. Too long ago to accurately remember!! *_*

Tamagotchis are more functional, but the Dinkies are fun.

Those of you who threw temper tantrums over your hatred of inanimate were almost certainly ripped off. Dollar stores don't sell good anything, let alone electronics. Tsk tsk. Go buy a gas station Gameboy. >:3 +FAIL.

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Nope but I've got dinkie Penguin/ Yuki penguin (whatever you wanna call it :( ), which apparantly are nearly the same. It's getting hard to find real ones on ebay (most are fakes), so those of you who have them can make some good $$$ on eBay when you grow tired of them. XD

I agree with Kiba, the tamas have more function, but there's something interesting about the dinokuns. They have some pretty unusual features too! (I've never come across another pet with A/C :mametchi: )

:wacko: i have a fake dinkie dino well i did not really no utill i found out ive had it for years andi fix it so it dos not reset if you put it on a hard surface

it was only 1pound

I had one,It was my first virtual pet I had,but it didn't come with an instruction booklet,and I didn't know how to use it,and it died about 10 minutes

after I had got it.I didn't know how to reset it,so I pulled the buttons out,threw it in a dirty lake and took it out with a stick and I pulled the back off and threw it in a pile of mud and then someone took it and threw it in a construction site and it got crushed.

I didn't have a dinky dino, but heaps of my friends at school had them, or raku raku dinokuns (which were exactly the same in different shells).

I went to coles and when I was about 12 and found a hittorku, which is almost the same but comes in four different versions, the dino, fish, chicken or puppy. I recently found mine and tried to start it up, but the batteries are dead, and I cant remember which version i have :blink:

But I remember them being decent virtual pets.

Dinkie Dino's are relatively easy to care for, I never had one die before the adult stage. ;) When they die they either become and angel or a devil, the angel is hard to get.

My advice if your having trouble is to read the instructions very carefully before using, and always start off with new batteries.

I had one,It was my first virtual pet I had,but it didn't come with an instruction booklet,and I didn't know how to use it,and it died about 10 minutesafter I had got it.I didn't know how to reset it,so I pulled the buttons out,threw it in a dirty lake and took it out with a stick and I pulled the back off and threw it in a pile of mud and then someone took it and threw it in a construction site and it got crushed.
Wow, you must have really hated it. O.O

i think i had it the ones where u can choose wat u want like a monkey,big,human ect.? and the ones that die really easily if u liek dorp them or squish them

wait are the fake ones the ones that reset really easily?

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I had a white one with red buttons and was my first virual pet before I got a real Tamagtochi that was purple with swirls.

It lived up to thirty years old...then my sister dropped it and it never worked again. They're very sensitive to abuse.

Yes, I had a red one! It has been my first virual pet! I loved it but the matter with Dinkie Dino is that they don't live for long. Depending the way you feed them they'll turn into angel (fed with apples) or demon(fed with meat). When it happens (after two weeks I think) you can't do anything with them anymore. They are like dead. Sad, isn't it?

They could evoluate in two different way, depending the way you fed them too:

-apple: Diplodocus (final stage: angel)

-meat: sort of tyranosorus (final stage: demon)

Are the fake ones similar?

How can we recognize a fake one from a real one now?


a fake one will be called one of the following,

1.rakudako digicund pet

3.dino dinki

4.ugsobobosa dinkie

6.rakurakudiino kon

7.infared tacagochi


9.25 in one super dinkly

10.21 in 1 dinkie dinosare

11.tamagootchi v.9

12.12 in 1 dino of dinkiland

13.34 in7(?pet)

14.happy luvas

15.ubepet v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,

NONE of these are real but numbers 1 3 5 6 9 10 and 15 are not that bad.

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