Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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Well, I've got Tourette Syndrome (ARRGH - this is la-ame - I always type it as "Tourette's Syndrome"!!!), and both my family doctor (do you know how hard I worked NOT to capitalize? Do you? HUH?! Doctor Who fan-nerd-rage! ;P) and the OT I used to go to think I have anxiety disorder. I also have OCD, although that has not been professionally diagnosed (however, around 30% of people with TS have at least some degree of OCD... if I remembered what I read a few years ago all correctly and right). At least, I believe I have OCD. And if I really DO have anxiety (which may also be somewhat common/uncommon in TS people), then it's most definitely making my OCD act up! D;.


Clinical Depression

OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)

BPD (borderline personality disorder)

ADD (attention deficit disorder)

Self injury (I don't really know if this fits in)



Well, I have a geographic tongue and a form of synasthesia, but I don't really consider those conditions/whatever...

I may be borderline, but I haven't seen a therapist. Last time I saw one I just talked about the positives in life and no negatives, which lead my therapist to believe of my angelic happiness and how I am just a perfectly normal teenager. I don't trust therapists, so I will probably never be properly diagnosed.

I feel left out.

I have, uhhh..... hypochondria.

Well, actually, no I don't.

But it looks like I might be one of the only ones here who doesn't ;)

I have Aspergers Syndrome (type of autism)

i used to go to speical class now i don't :p

but i had depression when i was 8 because alot of people where bullying me, some people still do but they get suspended > :D

Also i might have a contition where i would like go into hysterical crying, and i would get REALLY ticked off if someone made fun of a thing i like (example: south park) i think i punched a kid beause they called pokemon stupid when i was 6.

dunno the name of the contion i still go mad if someone says a bad name about south park :mellow:

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I have some stupid medical condition thing called Ligamentous Laxity. D:

I only found out about 2 years ago when I went to the doctor about it. I used to think I was double jointed and just really bendy.

It's genetic and It's painful and annoying. It pretty much means that my joints are too loose and unstable.

When I stand, my feet are flat instead of arched because the ligaments can't support the arch the way they should so standing is really tiring and painful. I can walk fine, but If I run it feels like my knees are coming out of place, and my ankles are heaps unstable and decide to give way at innapropriate times >_<

Wish I could get rid of it!!!

I have 3 sleep disorders.

I sleep walk

I sleep talk

I sleep scratch, quite bad. I basically self harm in my sleep, I wake up bleeding with my own skin under my nails. Now I sleep with gloves on.

I have severe emetophobia (fear of vomit) even seeing it on tv makes me go into hysterics

I also have a bad case of hypochondria and I gag myself to make sure I'm not going to vomit

I am definitely a case.


Bipolar I disorder


possible schizoaffective disorder



Numerous allergies

Chronic bronchitis (COPD)

Sleep apnea (due to a small lower jaw)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Hypothyroidism (complete with cysts on the surface of my thyroid gland, possibly autoimmune; further investigation needs to be made)

Inexplicably and dangerously high cholesterol

Thrombocytosis (increased platelet count in the blood, not sure of the cause yet. It could be something mild or something very serious, and the uncertainty is making me very upset).

EDIT: I have suffered from anorexia in the past. I've been in remission for seven months now.

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Social anxiety disorder (SaD)

Major depressive disorder (MDD)

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)

EDIT: i dont have aspergers, i talked to my mom and she said this "No no you where dignoised with autism, but your considered high functioning, your very lucky" so i have autism then. :eek:

and i have scolilois (sorry for bad spelling) which means i have a curved back, they thought that i would have a back brace thing, but i didn't.

Also, i tend to scream and sleep talk, my cousin told me that i was screaming about a PS3, even though i dont have one, and yesterday my mom told me that i was screaming about Cartman in my closet. and she told me that i screamed this "Cartman get away! go somewhere else!"


i forgot to post in another one since it wont let me edit the above post but when i was in grade 5 everyone in the school litatrly hated me, spread rumors about me, and i had VERY bad depression then one day it got so bad that i cutted myself at recess, but then that all stopped when someone noticed the cuts and other people noticed blood in the bathroom stalls then people stopped hating me and where asking me that if i was ok then i said yes since then i havent cut myself or had depression yet. and everyone in my grade 7 class is a freind of mine exept this stupid guy but now almost EVERYONE in the school likes me or is a friend of mine :)

when i was 5, i was diagnosed with insomnia and still exists today.

i've gotten quite used to it, it's now just a minor annoyance.

you have aspergers like my brother! i have some questions for you to compare you with my brother! you go to the doctor every few months to get asessed? you have anger issues?

3. are you fairly smart?

hope you can answer!
I have aspergers as well, I think I mentioned it up the page on my Train alt but if you don't mind me answering...

1. Not a docter, I see a psycologist before major events and at the start and middle of the year, not really an assessment though.

2. Sometimes, if people won't listen.

3. Yeah, at my Highschool I'm at the top of the second highest class (and I only opted in to that one because the highest gets ridiculous amounts of homework, and I have bad oraginisation skills.

EDIT: @ZOMGravity0 Cool sig.

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