Do you have a favorite tamagotchi charater?


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2009
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:lol: :( :wacko: I choose some characters for this poll

Now you can answer them! :ph34r: ;) :blink:

write back with your answer please

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i like ringotchi because she was my first teenager charecters i like ura mamechi urakutchipachi and uramemetchi

did you know that kutchipatchi resembels a bird

I truly appreciate you writing back after voting!

Thank you for that interesting fact about kuchipatchi, mamitchi123!

Lots of people love different characters do you agree snappy c g?

But I know that you love mametchi!

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Thanks Tama-Star_Girl, I love Chamametchi too, but who doesn't love every tama character?

*Topic moved to 'What's On Your Mind'*

Like most people, Mametchi.

Mametchi is truly amazing <33

This topic has actually inspired me to start up tamas again. I might start up my v4.5 because I only have one battery atm! xD

I had a hard time choosing--it was either Mametchi or Tougyutchi. But sine Tougyutchi was not on the list, I chose Others. Tougyutchi was the first adult on my Uratama; Mametchi was the first adult I got on my very first Tama back in 1997.

:( I appreciate you giving us all that information magicboa! :eek:

:ichigotchi: Have a nice day everyone, and i hope by next month that we will get alot of answers! :(

my friend got me stuck on liking gozarutchi. I have a gozarutchi plushy that my mom bought me for my birthday (I'm 17 hehe) and I love it to death.

I am sorry i couldn't put gozarutchi on but i am glad i put on the "others" so you could vote!

I like Gozarutchi and Mametchi ;) ;)

Mametchi is really cute for some random reason and Gozarutchi is a ninja, and ninjas are epically awesome. =D

Thank you!

;) I really appreciate you sending me your vote. Maybe soon I will make a new topic about what the best character is! So far it is Mametchi, but the other characters are doing good too, so lets hope the best tama wins! ;)

I thought hard a bit and realised some people haven't sent the replys after they voted! That means in the topic i'll make next year I can't put their names in the thank you list!

If those people are reading this and have voted but didn't send he replys, please write back telling me if you have. Because I want all you tama members to join in the fun and for people to know that you stars chipped in to let this magic happen!

Thank you all you tama helpers that have sent the replys so far before

5 October 2009,

Snappy C G,

Mamitchi 123,






and Zelfi.

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