Do you have a favorite..


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Active member
Sep 30, 2007
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I know it's kinda random but I'm curious, do any of you have a favorite Christmas Ornament? I do, it's my ornament of a black cat that I got in 2005 with my name and the year. Also, a picture I just drew of my wolf Skully in Christmas Version, its laminated and at the very top next to my black cat. So do you? Please comment or post!

I'm not sure if I have a favorite ornament...Hmmm *thinks*


Ah yes! My favorite would have to be the Disco Ball ornament! It's pretty cool actually! It's all shiny, and when the sun hits it, it makes sparkles, and then the whole room lights up with sparkles! It's pretty cool, I might take a picture of it sometime! :mimitchi:



Yes, I do have one! It's a cat trying to get a blue bird on a sheet of music :3 its so kawaii :mimitchi:

Mine is one that isn't sentimental to me, it's a glass sphere with fiber optics that you hook onto a christmas tree light and it changes colors. My second favorite would be these wire snowflakes.

I like the 2 year old Jennie orniment! My mom sends pictures in to this place, and they take my picture and put it on an orniment(thats just how I spell it! B) ) and we hang them up every year! My favroite one is becasue its the onlyone were Im with my sister....and I have a minor Afropuff! :furawatchi: :hitodetchi:

my fav is a guy with a scarf over his face, and it says "mrrrry mpphmus" ! it's very funny! :-D

I had a snow globe with a snowman in the middle once, I threw it at my brother last year and it broke.


i love this red clear one...

it is a sphere, and has gold on it... when we light the tree up, it shines beautifully.

my 2nd fave are the white ones that are shaped like tears... they are glittery and have snowflakes on them.

A Rudolph one I made when I was 3. It was 3 puzzle pieces painted brown and glued together so that the canter one was the head, and the two on either side were antlers. There were two google-eyes and a tiny red pom-pom on the center one for a face.

Unfortunately this year I can't add it to the tree because it broke. Next year I'll fix it, so it's ready for the tree.

yeah i have alot of cool ones i love on the tree! there is one where in kindagarten we took a close up picture next to a Christmas tree... <_< it was really cute and it has a clear covering with red and blue confidde in the back and a little ribbon, its awesome! then there is one where its a mini christmas tree but it has there are green sequins and red ones and orange and yellow ones for the ortaments on the mini tree. its really shiny and it has a star on the top!! Next there is one that my first grade teacher gave to me..its soo adorable it is like a candycane type of thing with a christmas hat on and it sparkles next to the christmas lights. Ok, my last one! this one is hello kitty and my mom bought it for me when i was like six years old or something, it has hello kitty with a cute coat and a red scarf holding a little snowman!! those are all my faovrite



Yes. Last Christmas, my friend (kerry*bridget) bought my friend Shania this ornament makey kit thing and we each made ornaments out of clay and I love the one I have because its really cute kitty. :)



Haha, not trying to be immature...I like the pickle best ^^

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