Do you have a journal/diary?


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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I like to wright in a journal [for some reason I just HATE the word diary- don't know why exactly but I do xP] because it's fun to look back on. :] I try to write something everynight but sometimes I let a few days slip which is ok but ittitating that I have to cover so much. I really don't write those 'deep dark secrets' because 1) I'm paranoid someone will find it and 2) I really don't have any! xD

I also write down the activities I did for the day in a calander- say, for today I would write:

-went to KSW





-friend's house

Like that.

Do you do any journaling?

Heh, I know what you mean! I've had at least three or four before I actualy got to where it was just something I do. I was so proud when I finished one book [which spanned over about 2 1/2 years. xP I wouldn't write for months and then pop in again but about 1/4-1/2 way in I began to write fairly regularly.] It really is hard!


i have two of the above.

1) Yes- I don't write too much/rarely write

2) I have some other form of keeping track of things (blog)

i write in the blog more than in the journal.

I do have a diary, I gave up on my journal a while ago B) , I just wright what's wrong or how I feel about something/someone, it's been going since I was like......7 or 8? I would die (well, not realy) if someone read it >.<

I have a diary that I've only covered about 50 pages in since I was about 6.

It's fun to read my old entries.

I used to when I was younger but I don't anymore I actually think I chucked it in the bin so nobody would find it or read it ;) .

Now I have a cute little book I keep in my bag that I write what I've eaten & what time. I usually write songs in it if I've heard one and I want to remember.

I had one last year. Don't know what happened to it. I'm not really a writing operson though. So I have a blog.

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I do have a diary, I gave up on my journal a while ago :) , I just wright what's wrong or how I feel about something/someone, it's been going since I was like......7 or 8? I would die (well, not realy) if someone read it >.<
XD Sounds like I would do if someone read my diary from 13 all way up to 18. I laugh at my terrible typos and how I was back then. I keep a journal now that I write in when I feel stressed or a little annoyed. I find keeping a blog/journal/diary is a great way to get rid of stress.

I've got a real cute one, I'll get a pic later. xD

But I never keep writing! I hate my hand writing, so I get frustrated with it and stop writing in it. But I keep a blog...


I have a blog, although it's not the same. In my fifth grade year, I wrote over one thousand pages worth of writing (and drawing) in five different jourals.

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I'll find some random notebook and cover about 5 or 6 pages with thoughts... Only when I'm thinking, "Oh, a journal would be nice right now" and such.

I used to but, my brother always got into it and read it...for now on I just keep it in my head

I have a diary with Zac Efron on the cover *sigh* most of my diary is just about Brenn-(crap!I gotta stop doing that!) the guy I like

Yes, I do. My diary is my personal place to write about my feelings, crushes, and I also write about my day in it, like if I went to a friend's house, I'd write about what I did there in stuff. I love meh diary. XDD

I have a diary I write in about every other day. I always need to get things out and I can always remember things in there for later. :p

The only bad thing is, I think my brother read it the other day, because he happens to know who I like now. It kinda scares me. ;)

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