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My geography teacher sucks. He sent Jay to the office for giving me my pencil which I dropped and then me for telling him we was giving me my pencil. And hes one of those people who tell storys about how "If you went down the street to get your ball in Jamacia you could probably get stabbed. You kids have it good in England"

Speaking of principal... I HATE MY PRINCIPAL SO MUCH!!!! She has like no heart. Every time she sees something she doesn't like, she puts it in her big FAT book of dumb rule to torture kids with.
Urgh, ditto. We used to have "dress down day" every Friday with our old rector (headmaster) which meant we didn't have to wear our uniform, but with this new &*$£@#?~ that was cancelled, as well as most of the other fun stuff we used to do. She's also got a bunch of redicolous rules and she's extremely harsh when it comes to punishments, like suspending a boy with anger issues for going mad at a teacher who was literally making fun of his height for two-three weeks or something redicolous like that, then not believing the boy's mother when she told her the boy had temper problems. The old rector never suspended some one for more than a week unless it was extreme circumstances.

As for my library teacher, she just has favourites who she's seriously nice to then she's mean to everyone else. I'm one of the favourites though 8D /nerd

Oh God, and there's my technology teacher. He's never shouted at anyone in his life, but the way he talks is a lot worse than shouting. Like on my first day in academy (middle/high school) I got lost on the way to techy, so after wandering round aimlessly for ten minutes I eventually asked a teacher where the department was, so the guy took me there and explained to the techy teacher who I'll call Mr C why I was late and he seemed completely fine and understanding and everything. But when the teacher left instead of telling me to take a seat Mr C called me up to the front, then he just leaned down 'till he was at my level and looked me right in the eye, then started interogating me on why I was late and how I knew this was my class and everything in this really soft voice that made my lunch churn in my stomach. That guy scares me. Another time this girl was late for his lesson because she happened to have a flute lesson at that time so Mr Cullen kept her in for fourty minutes at lunch when lunch only lasts fifty minutes, so the girl never got lunch. Lucky for her though her mum phoned in, so she gets a free period during techy now. And apparentely Mr C could get fired for terrorizing some of his pupils, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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At the beginning of the year we had this teacher called Mr. Griffiths.

Gah. I hated him so much I wanted to put him on Wipeout Australia.

He always wanted to talk to my mum even if I didn't do something wrong.

Me and Lily were sure he luuuurved my mum :huh:

Not neccesarily any mean ones, but one is absolutely boring. He is always going on about "Self-management" and "responsibility" and "Oh, when I was young....." I always feel like going to sleep in that class and I would do anything to miss that class, except skip the class because I'm not that kind of person. xD Yes, he is so boring I call him Mr MacBoring xD
Oh, and Mr MacBoring also makes us redo our work if it's messy, which is unfair for me because my writing is naturally messy. But when he sees it, he just says "Come on Teri, I know you can do better"

Other than him though, there are no mean teachers. But there are nice ones. Like my form teacher last year (It's already 2010 for us in NZ) Miss Atkins. She is the best. She gives us chocolate before the Easter and Christmas holidays. And, luckily for me, she's my form teacher again this year! Last year teaching R9 (Rora year 9) this year teaching R10 (Rora year 10) Our form classes are sorted in houses and year groups. My P.E. teacher Miss Savage was also nice. Unfortunately she has to move away and teach somewhere else. I'll miss her.

Gosh, that was alot of talk about nice teachers. Completely off-topic. Sorry.

Used to have a creul teacher in grade one.
There was this kid who had no lunch, and she usually orders pizza. But that day, she forgot to, so she took a slice, and the teacher made her eat 3 whole boxes of pizza. WTF!? She got really sick after.

But now all my teachers are as sweet as pie if you exclude the one who keeps coming to class and scaring the crap out of me but we all know thats a joke =P
He should be done for like child abuse - that is like so nasty -even my teacher, old goggle eyes wouldn't make you do that and she is a stupid cow! :D :( :(

i kind of do but im a good kid so she doesnt ever get mad at me XD

but she does to some ppl in my class.

No. My school's teachers are awesome.

There's the health-obsessed, redhead with a half-mullet who has no life other than hiking and uses barbie dolls to lifeguard her pool, who is peppy and just recently donated a kidney. I had her last year.

The slacker one who has hilarious moodswings, & I had her last year as well.

The over-emotional french-accenty one from Quebec who loves to talk about John A MacDonald and her children :) -- this year.

The other slacker science teacher who always comes to school with bandages and injuries, and he only has 4 and a half fingers on his right hand 0: I have him this year,

The crazy Italian one and he plays pranks on the kids and loves to talk about world news every morning. I had him for 6th grade :3

And the music teacher who is also the Kindergarden teacher, and she's insane and has breakdowns if we do not play well, and she turns small talk into a huge conversation, but funny to watch.

No mean teachers, just odd ones.

It's funny you mention the librarian. I've never had a pleasant librarian in any school. They always seem angry and suspicious of anyone who comes into the library.
I don't recall having any really mean teachers. Borderline stupid and holier than thou teachers yes, but not any mean ones.
uh our librarian is so touchy! She one muttered "I hate fridays" what a grouch

Our swedish teacher... Everybody has to always go to the board to write the words we had to learn. And if you can't do them, you have write the whole chapter or whatever from the book to your notebook O_O Well, we always have to write the chapters but you have to write it AGAIN until you learn! And all of us have to work hard and speak during the class. Nobody can stay quiet, unlike our lovely history teacher, who just talks to us (not about the subject :D ) on class and tells us stories about his life, and everybody just has to listen. And in the end of the term he gives us papers wheres all the stuff we have to know to the test. And then we can get good grades. ;)

So yeah.

The art teacher, Miss Tindall.Luckily, I'm in Woodwork this term, but apparently my friend said that Miss Tindall kept her in at lunch for a reason I forgot.Oh, and she treats the paintbrushes better than the kids.

Well, my home room teacher is kinda creepy. She's really old and she has ADD or something, she's always wandering around the room and she's super OCD about chairs. She always has to push in the chairs even if the student just got up for a second. She also is super strict about assigned seats, and she always has to have the tissue box perfectly lined up at the corner of her desk. So whenever anyone needs to blow their nose, they yank the tissue out so that the box slides and gets out of place. xD

No really mean teachers though. (;

omgz! There was a teacher at our school n if u coughed she used to scream at u. ;)

I had this one math teacher that hated everything. She even "accidentally" smacked me in the face once.

It was my 1st week at secondary school, and I got lost. I was a few minutes late for my lesson, and the teacher got mad and gave me a detention. I explained I got lost but she said I still had to go. I was mad and annoyed. I mean, I SWEAR the principal said at the beginning of term that if we got lost 1st week, we would not get a detention. I mean, my 1st week, how can you expect me not to get lost?

I also swear that a teacher was picking on me. In assembly, in Primary we were sitting on some bench as we were still young. Then my best friend told me to move up. There was a teacher standing right by us. And before I even got chance to even say anything, the teacher butted in and said "Sarah *surname* is talking", in front of the whole school. Yet when my friend was talking while the teacher was watching, she didn't get that humiliation! Why, oh why!

Its not always me that got the bad end of the stick. In Primary school my best friend (yup, the same one that told me to move up) was feeling really really ill. She told the teacher, but the teacher couldn't care less. I mean, the teacher said that my friend was feeling too sorry for herself. I mean, my friend was to the point of throwing up but wasn't allowed to leave the classroom. I joked to her about throwing up over the teachers desk, that would be a laugh but that never happened unfourtunatly. As for the feeling sorry for yourself bit, we were only kids after all. What can you expect?

And recently, a teacher sent 1 of his students to the back of the classroom for "not getting" the work. Before we know it, he'll be bringing the Dunce hat in....

One of my maths teachers are grumpy and my history teacher was strict . He's left now

In the beginning of the year, my 1st period World History teacher was just a pile of poop. He makes sure that every kid who's late is closer to getting detention. Lemme explain this.

We have this really stupid dicipline method. It's a log where teachers keep track of how many times your "off-task" or late or whatever. If you "sign the book" three times, you have a writing detention e.e

Once this kid made a joke about this other kid, and he was all, "Shut your mouth," and I was thinking, "Uh..."

I know a lot of teachers would do that, but I was new to junior high, so I wasn't used to thast kind of thing.

It was like, the first week of school. I was late to study hall (at our school, 6th period is study hall for every one in every class). So I think, "Oh, there it is," and I walk into his class (oops) and the accouncements came on, and he wouldn't let me leave!! After the pledge of alliegence he let me go, though.

And ZOMG my KINDERGARDEN teacher was a NIGHTMARE! She yelled at kids for like, no reason. She diciplined my for like, no reason. I had no clue what I did. My mum came up to that school several times to help out and thought she was creepy too 0.0

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