Do you have a superiority complex or...


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Aug 4, 2009
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Taken from Wikipedia:

Inferiority complex: a feeling that one is inferior to others in some way (i.e. a feeling of low self-worth and low self-esteem/confidence).

Superiority complex: an overly high opinion of oneself (i.e. being extremely confident in your abilities and posses a feeling of high self-worth).

For me...a little bit of both. There are times when I feel inferior to others and its not only about my appearance. It may be when they have a quality I lack and I'm the kind of person who gives up halfway through trying. However, I'm not the kind of person who'd worry about what others can do and I cannot. I realize I have my own talents that may be unique to me and me alone. But if I feel depressed, it won't last a long time because I've got people to help me. For my superiority complex, its not much. They're really only small random bursts of confidence and if not for that, I'd become very depressed. So its not really a "complex."

So what do you have, inferiority or superiority complex?

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A little bit of both.

IC: I always say I suck at everything physical I do (which is true) and that my stories suck and I should just quit trying to be an author. I always put myself down because people are always commenting on my slight anger problem, and then I go and cry and everyone says that I might as well stop trying life, and they call me emo. *rolls eyes*

SC: I'm always saying how 'sexy' I am and that a lot of people in the class are ugly. I always get P!ssed when Hillary in band comments on my clarinet squeaking because I know that she can't go two freaking seconds without squeaking, and is all "stop freaking squeaking cause it messes up the songs!" and then I'm all "WTF HILLARY! I CAN"T CONTROL MY SQUEAKING! OH, AND BTW, YOU CAN'T PLAY CLARINET WORTH CRAP" so yeah, I kindof have issues with stupid people. >.>

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None of them. Seriously. A mixture, I guess.

I put myself down. But it's only for fun. I don't actually get really angry with myself and start hating myself when people are good at things. If they're good at something, good for them. If they're better than me at something, good for them. They can live their own lives, and I can live mine :) I don't think overly high of myself, nor overly low.

Not really either. Especially with friends, I feel totally comfortable just being me.

I know I'm not a bad person, so I don't feel inferior, but I definitely don't feel superior either.

The way I see it, both complexes are a shame. Feeling inferior is a waste of all your wonderful hidden talents and the person you are, while feeling superior is just, well, obnoxious. People with superiority complexes annoy me. xD

Neither will help you make friends, they'll just hold you back, so just be you and smile. -Cheesy-

I used to suffer really badly with iniferiority complexionness. o_O

I used to think I had nothing to offer the world, everyone hated me, yadayadayada. I used to copy the 'popular' people at school (yes, folks - I was suuucchhh a wanna-be), but I can see now their just really obnoxious... The questions they asked people they thought were below them were soo annoying; "Do you think I'm popular? Loads of people say I am.", "Do you think I'm pretty? Loads of people say I am." You get the picture. THEY ANNOYED ME SO FREAKING MUCH.

But now I'm beginning to realise who I am. I can really see an improvement in my life - people aren't ignoring me anymore, those 'popular' people are talking to me, I'm much more happy, I've realised that I was only boosting some peoples' obnoxiousity by clinging to them and admiring them - I'm just in the myself now. :]

Sorry about the slight off topic-ness.


^ Awww, Kenal. :3

I don't know. I sometimes put myself down wayyy to much, & I honestly don't know why. Sometimes I praise myself [not overly] like, I really stand up for what I believe in. If I think I'm good at something and someone tells me I'm not or puts me down, and I really believe I'm good at this thing I tell them to their face thaat I'm right. xD And also I'm really not afraid to speak my opinion if someone angers me about something I believe in. I won't put myself down and give in to them, say that they're right and I'm wrong. My life is mixed. I think it's easier to put yourself down then build yourself up. But at the moment, I'm really confident in life and happy. I love life! =D Best friends make my life really. =]

Inferiority complex - I compare myself to others too much, and always think about how much I suck compared to other people. It's mainly because of my parents, because they were always like "Look at how good _____ is at ______. You should be that good too!" And it was so annoying. And for musical things, they compared me to my teachers. Like seriously, I'm 12. How am I supposed to be as good as my teacher?

Neither, or both, whatever. I guess it depends how you look at it.

I'm just me, I guess xD

I have a mixture of both,

Though the majority of the time it is an inferiority complex.

Just with not being worthy of anything and not deserving what I have.

And that I'm not pretty.

Sometimes my overly-confident side of me will start talking, and I shut it up quickly.

That's rare though.

I have like, a mixture I guess. I don't consider of myself as too great, butI think overall I'm pretty good compared to the average person. [;

I'm neither. =D


Okay, superiority complex, but it's usually only joking unless I'm talking to my friends in real life who just annoy me so much because they act dense and often can't understand what I'm saying, which makes me feel smart and superior, but also annoys me that they don't even know the most basic of things.

On here, I'm usually just myself... usually. I only feel inferior when people post their drawings/stories/poems and I look at them and wish I could be that good. But, it doesn't really bother me, since I have my own strengths. I'm don't usually feel superior here, I'm just myself.

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