Do YOU have an iPod?


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I have a shuffle. I have the silver one because I bought it when the colors weren't out yet. I still love it though. :)

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I have a 1st generation blue nano. And he rocks! (It's so funny how you have to name your iPod when you first get him/her.) :huh:

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U shoulda put the choice, "no I want one but my parents wont let me get one" cuz that's what I woulda chose. STUPID PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh:
LOL! That's my situation. I'm not allowed, because I pretty much ahev all my music stored here on the computer for free. :huh:

There's a site called radioblogclub and all you have to do is sign up for free, and then you can have a free playlist with as many songs as you want on it. So that's pretty much my ipod, except its free and its on the computer.

It's not advertising, because it's not my site or anyone I know's site. It's just a suggestion so you won't have to beg your parents any longer. :huh:

Other. :huh: I share a limited edition black iPod U2 with the rest of my family, but they never use it so I usually have it all to myself.

LOL! That's my situation. I'm not allowed, because I pretty much ahev all my music stored here on the computer for free. :) There's a site called radioblogclub and all you have to do is sign up for free, and then you can have a free playlist with as many songs as you want on it. So that's pretty much my ipod, except its free and its on the computer.

It's not advertising, because it's not my site or anyone I know's site. It's just a suggestion so you won't have to beg your parents any longer. :D
Try Imeem! It rocks so good!

I have a 1st generation blue nano. And he rocks! (It's so funny how you have to name your iPod when you first get him/her.) :(
I'm pretty sure the coloured ones are 2nd generation, the black ones are 1st and the wide ones with the demented colours are 3rd generation.

"I want one but my parents won't let me get one" - that's what the "No, but I want one" is for!

I get what you mean by naming them. Mine's a she, and she's too cool 4 school! lol

What she means is when you get your iPod, mostly you get an urge to call it a "he" or a "she". I've also given mine a name - Bluey, because she's blue!

As for the internet playlist thing...sure it works, but unless your computer is a little tiny pocket-sized thing, how are you supposed to take your songs around with you? o_O?

I really don't know how I lived without my iPod. You can take it anywhere, listen to it anywhere, and put anything on it. So cool!

My dad is an apple geek so i have 3 ipod videos, 1 video nano, 1 ipod mini, 2 first gen. nanos, and

1 ipod shuffle.

no but it would be awesome to have one! lol I wish I had a pink iPod Nano. my bff has a green iPod nano. its awesomeness. :mellow:

~KPL~ :p

A shuffle.. it's silver. I wish it had a bit more memory, but that's nothing worth being picky over. I only have.. 20-so songs on there.

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