Do you have any pet's?


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Well, I havwe fish, a frog, and a dog, so I didn't vote.

I also used to have to outdoor turtle, one died, and the other ran away D=

i couldnt vote for more than one X(!

i have a dog, 2 fiches, five tamagotchis, anddd... thats all ;)

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I have a dog, and five fish. If one of them dies (depending on which one) I will get two more.

My dog is awesome!

I have a dog and some fish lol I want a frog! My mom would never let me have one though >.<!

I had a dog but it ran away so currently I only have a very playful rabbit.

Three cats, two dogs.

But I'm very much a cat person.

Now that we got rid of the rabbits (T_T) I might be able to get a kitten. Or two. O:

Black kittens, with green or yellow eyes.


[ / h o p e f u l ]

I have one dog. He's a handful.... He's a chocolate lab mix, and he's about 1.5 years old.

We had a Betta fish. But it passed away recently. D:

I have a mostly Siamese cat named Sam. He's 5 years old. He's really sweet and affectionate. He likes to follow me around. He's fascinated by feet and hands and will often bite mine. It's just his way of playing so I tolerate it.

I have a dog, two cats, and a gecko. ;3

Only the dog is the family dog. The one cat we call the tramp, because she's the family cat and doesn't settle with just one person. The gecko is my brothers.

But the other cat is mine. He's fat. And orange. And fluff<33;;

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