Do you have glasses


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I got glasses about 6 months ago, after about 5 years of me complaining and my mum saying that she'd take me to get my eyes tested. I'm really bad with them, though, because they have a chip in one corner of the lens and an invisible-but-still-there crack :/

When i was in seventh grade i got glasses because i'm near-sighted. I think glasses looked good on me and they can look good on anyone really, if you get a style that's right for you.

Now i wear contacts, though, and i love them. They're really not that bad to put in/take out, once you do it once or twice it's easy, and they don't hurt at all unless there's something on them (eyelash/soap etc.). And i like them better than glasses because they don't get smudgy and dirty, they don't fall of your face, you don't have to worry about taking them off on roller coasters, and when you get used to them, you can't even tell you have them in, and neither can other people.

Not to say that i don't like glasses, i think they look fine, but contacts are just easier. In my opinion. I still wear glasses sometimes, too. :)

Nope, I don't have glasses.

I've never needed them.

This may seem strange, but I've always wanted glasses. They make me look smart :)

I tried on my best friend's glasses at school last year when everyone was being idiotic. I looked rather good in them.

But I don't need glasses. I'd probably break them after a few days, anyway.

I've had glasses since I was 13, and I like them most of the time...

I dont need glasses but the optician said i might when im 16.

glasses can look really nice if you choose a pair that suits you.

they make you look really smart too.

if i do need glasses when im 16 then im cool with that.


yes but i only wear them when i need them, such as watching tv or reading the blackboard at school.

I have glasses, I only wear them during class though, like if I need to see something up on the board, if i'm just doing schoolwork/reading,I won't wear them.

If you don't like your glasses, get contacts. If you can't get contacts, then you can't do anything about it. And looks don't matter anyhow. And I bet you're really beautiful anyway. : )

If you don't like your glasses, get contacts. If you can't get contacts, then you can't do anything about it. And looks don't matter anyhow. And I bet you're really beautiful anyway. : )
Thank you! xxxxxxx

Yes, I have reading glasses, they cost over 250$ and I don't even wear them. But when I do, Everyone tells my I look...."hawt". Glasses really are not bad, Although now you may hate them, later you will relize, Hey these are great! They help me tons!

I don't have the need for any right now. And thank goodness, because, no matter how hard I try, I cannot find a pair that would suit me.. Some people look great with glasses.. But me, I look terrible. It was hard trying to find a pair of sunglasses that suited me.. I wanted Aviators, but they looked terrible Dx

I use them all the time as I have a not-exactly severe vision problem.

I might be getting new ones next week. Yayy!

Man, you should see how it is where I live. Glasses are SO popular. Mostly thick rimmed glasses. And I see a bunch of people walking around with those big nerd glasses on. Some people even *gag* pop the lenses out of the 3D glasses that you get at the movies and wear them to school. Ug, it looks so tacky. And these are high school students. :huh:

But I do wear glasses myself. In fact, I might even be going in tomorrow to get new ones! :furawatchi:

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^ i love those kind of glasses. they're like, amazing. the ones you think are tacky~

these would be my glasses, in their red glory. they look a lot brighter in person- they're like a cherry color. I don't wear 'em too often because they get dirty too easilly, and I hate having spots when I look at things...

I've had glasses since pre-school. xDDThey were this really ugly, huge gold pair. But I have pretty purple ones now, and I'm so used to wearing glasses I hardly notice. :) ;
true i hardly notice them but i got mine in grade one and they were super mario ones :lol: :lol: :D :D :D

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^ i love those kind of glasses. they're like, amazing. the ones you think are tacky~

these would be my glasses, in their red glory. they look a lot brighter in person- they're like a cherry color. I don't wear 'em too often because they get dirty too easilly, and I hate having spots when I look at things...
Are you talking about the 3D glasses? Those are the ones I think are tacky. The thick rimmed glasses I like, but the 3D ones are . . . yuck. :)

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