Do you have glasses


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I have glasses, but they aren't helping much anymore. I'm getting new lenses for them soon.


I never wear them in photos. I probably will once I get the new lenses though.

A rare shot of me in my glasses :p



I like them but they get on my nerves.

I have glasses and I used to not wear them because only one of my eyes was actually really blurry. I could see if I covered that one up and just used the other one, but gradually the one I favoured more got worse too, so now I should wear them all the time. I generally only wear them at school, so most of the time.

I have glasses, but they aren't helping much anymore. I'm getting new lenses for them soon. 

I never wear them in photos. I probably will once I get the new lenses though.

A rare shot of me in my glasses :p



I like them but they get on my nerves.
Oh, you look great in glasses! You definately have the type of face where glasses look good on you, so you're lucky. I never looked too great with glasses (everyone said i did, but i swear i didn't) so that's why i have contacts now.

Are you talking about the 3D glasses? Those are the ones I think are tacky. The thick rimmed glasses I like, but the 3D ones are . . . yuck. :ph34r:
i love 3D glasses xD

but which kind?

the plain black ones where they poke out the 3D part?

or the white ones with the one red eye, and the one blue eye?

i like both-

they're good for when you're trying to be like, random.

we have days at my school dedicated to looking different~

Oh, you look great in glasses! You definately have the type of face where glasses look good on you, so you're lucky. I never looked too great with glasses (everyone said i did, but i swear i didn't) so that's why i have contacts now.
Thanks :)


I bet you would have looked good in them too.


People have suggested contacts to me because I always complain about my glasses, but when I think about it, I would rather glasses than contacts for myself because I fail at being gentle with things like that and I would probably poke my eyes out. :)

I wore glasses when I was a kid, until I got old enough to get contacts. Then, about 5 years ago, I found out I had cataracts. I had the lenses in my eyes replaced, and laser surgery done at the same time, and so now have 20/20 vision. I think glasses and contacts are just a crutch. Get the laser surgery,and fix the problem for good.

I'm against laser surgery. My dad's surgery really didn't go well. Loooong story. So I doubt I'd ever get it. And I believe you have to be 18 to get a consultation for the surgery. ;D

I was considering contacts this summer, but I can't bring myself to try them. Glasses suit me. You say Krystal and everyone thinks of that blonde girl with the stylish glasses. xD Plus the thought of contacts, what they are, and how you place them on your eyes just kinda makes me cringe.

I think I'll stick to glasses for now~

It's nothing at all wrong with glasses! B)

If you choose the right ones I think it sometimes makes people more beautiful...

But, as said before, you could consider lenses. :) :D :D ;) :D B)

I've been wearing glasses since I was 5 for close up work. And I'm still wearing them... 7 years later. It's annoying when I lose them, which I do frequently :) And the screws keep coming out. As others have said, wearing glasses suits some people.

I've needed glasses since about 3rd grade but my mother didn't believe me, so I've had glasses since I was in 6th.

I got contacts at the start of highschool... 2008? Yeah. I love contacts and I'm one of the people they call "persistent violators" because I ignore all the advice they give me about taking contacts out at night, not sleeping in them, showering in them, etc.

I go weeks or even months at a time without taking out my contacts. It's pretty nice, actually.

I recently got new frames for my glasses and have been wearing them more often.

I don't know why people feel self-conscious in glasses, after all, most people will wear glasses at some point in their lives- just choose a frame that is pleasant on your face and you feel comfortable with.

I used to have those chunky glasses that are so incredibly popular now, but I think they hide people's pretty faces! I like the smaller, wire frames. :angry: Those chunky frames only look good on some people! :angry:

Yep! Got mine in the 7th grade. They're not too strong of a prescription. Started wearing contacts in high school but found them to be too bothersome, especially in college. Now, I mostly wear glasses. Don't be self-conscious about having glasses! I bet they make you look sophisticated. :angry: Besides, if you don't like your glasses now, you can always shop around for new frames. There are perfect frames out there for everyone.

I had glasses in second grade for astigmatism. then i started getting headaches while wearing my glasses and the optometrist told me the astigmatism went away or something. now they tell me i have a slight prescription but its so small the glasses arent worth it. glasses are totally cool. sometimes i wish i could ruin my eyes just to get a pair of awesome glasses :D

Edit: stupid emoticons

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I wear glasses when I read, I can't read without them really. But that is all.

I find glasses awesome, I wish I needed them :}

I wish i had glasses! They make my nose look smaller :3

Glasses are cool!!! All the guys I ever liked all had thick rimmed glasses XD so cute!

No, they pinch and tickle my fat nose. I don't need them, anyway. I can see perfectly fine.

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