Do You Have Heelys?


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Gosh, I saw them in a shop, and I half destroyed the box stand looking for a size 2. Then, when I found them, I put them on- I tripped. There was about 30 people watching, and they all burst out laughing!!! I was so embarrased... :unsure:

mine's aren't neccesarily called heelys.u hav to push a button to put the wheels in and out.the brand says SunDay.but my friend's doesn't say that.(i think)

Speaking of today I went to the mall and saw some 'Airs' it's like shoes and roller skates to, also it's more safety like, and more protective! And it's $40, my mom said she was going to buy it, but they didn't have no adult sizes it will be shipped next thursday.. :)


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