Do you know more than one language?


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
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Puerto Rico
The title says it all.

I know Spanish (main language), English and French.

I want to learn Italian one day.

How about you?

[SIZE=7pt]My main language is English.[/SIZE]

But I do know basic German.

I can say "Thank You", "How Are You?", "You're Welcome" and can count up to 39 in Korean. (Tai Kwon Do)

And I'm learning Spanish, I can only say Hellos, Goodbyes, Thank Yous, House Objects, Colors, and stuff...

Other languages? I barely know English xD Seriously though, I do know some basic spanish. I can't spell it out though XP I know things like: "I want to buy this, please." And "Where is the bathroom?" and of course, things like "Yes," "No," "Thank-you," "Please," and several others. I live in Texas, in an area heavily populated by mexicans. All of the janitors, fast food people, and those types of jobs are usually employed with Hispanics, so I have to know some basic Spanish to get by.

My mom, on the other hand, can speak very fluent spanish. She was an exchange student in high school, so she lived in Spain. She has a degree in teaching, she was a teacher for a few years, and taught Mexican students that came there English.


Phobo-x.addicted.x-x.N e o n

English is my main language, yo!

I'm struggling to learn French...ugh...

My main language is English. :3

In 7th grade, it was mandatory that everyone took Exploratory French, Exploratory Spanish, and Exploratory German. I know some real basic Spanish, but I forget most of the German learned.

As for French, I was eligable to take Spanish 1, German 1, or French 1 in 8th grade. I selected French 1, so I have one year of intensive French study under my belt.

Though, when you reach the high school level, in my district you can also select either Latin or Japanese as a language elective. Therefore, I transfered some French to Japanese, which I much prefer. I am currently learning Japanese, and am loving it.

So... I speak English, and hopefully some day will be fluent in Japanese. :)

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I speak fluent English, Mandarin, some unknown Chinese dialect, and I know enough Japanese to have a conversation with someone.

I'm currently learning French, Cambodian ( :) ), Spanish and Cantonese.

I speak English everywhere except for at home, where I speak the 'unknown Chinese dialect'.

I'm taking a French class at school, and I'm learning a lot! I've also been teaching myself Japanese since the 7th grade and I know all the hiragana, most katakana, and some kanji. I'm somewhat fluent in both pronunciation & writing, but I wanna be all the way fluent and then learn Korean. (I want to be an interpreter one day~)

I know English and Russian.Hope to learn Japanese. 8D
I know English and Russian too!

At home I speak a mixture of those 2, always making up weird words which consist of Russian and English. Knowing another language is pretty good in a society which speaks mainly can say something and no one will understand you xD.

I really want to learn either German or Spanish.

Oh, I just remembered something. I know sign language, if that counts. At my school, we use that like other people use passing notes. Everyone knows at least the alphabet. The teachers, before every test, always say "If I see any hand signs, I'm picking up your paper, I'll call the officer, and you will receive a zero." xD It's gotten that popular.

I fluently speak: English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, and ASL (american sign language).

I can speak, but not to fluently: Vietnames(sp?) and French and German.

I can pretty much only speak English fluently, but I can understand Tagalog since I'm Filipino.

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