Do You Leave Your Tama At Home


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Do You Leave Your Tama At Home

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  • no

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  • no way

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  • always

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i usually bring mine in my backpack with the sound off and check it every hour or so. I don't play with it or anything though

usually I leave my Tama at home. Often I leave it in Pause mode

This really belongs in the "What's on your mind" but I'm not a TamaGuide (unfortunately) so I can't move it.

Personally, I never, EVER, leave my beloved tama at home. I take it to the Dive Social, School, on holiday.

i alway have it. sumtimes i'll store it in my locker and check it everything ever period.

Sumtimes i bring it in classes when i know we wont do anything there and play with it sound off! very important to have sound off in school. and very important sound on in home cus i forgot to put sound on and it died on me lol.

i alway have it. sumtimes i'll store it in my locker and check it everything ever period. Sumtimes i bring it in classes when i know we wont do anything there and play with it sound off! very important to have sound off in school. and very important sound on in home cus i forgot to put sound on and it died on me lol.
wat scaring me now ok i am going to high school and they have metal detechtares w/e u spell it and i don't if they will let me have it

;) in primary skl i had it in class.. bu im going into high skl.. ill take i wf me but like.. my friends will think im nerdy:p :wub: but hey are so CUTE! im regreting buying 2 v3's. im tuning into a stressed out mother...
When I'm at school and I byaccidend leave it at home my mum looks after it :gozarutchi:

I will never forget the time when my dad whent to work in plymouth for 2 weeks and I left it in his car and at 11pm I had to ring him up and tell him all about looking after a tama!! lol


Well I take mine to school with the sound off, so I can show off what characters *tama beeps* *checks tamas* I have. If I have to leave it at home I pause it! And of course I have the sound off in school but not at home. Because once at home my brother had the sound off on his and it was an adult with a baby. He got really absorbed in what he was doing and when he looked, it was dead

;) ! And, once I was at school and somebody left the sound on their Tamagotchi and it beeped in their bag! It was so funny :lol: LOL!

StarTama :blink:

P.S. When the Tama beeped the teacher didn't even care!

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