Do you like drawing ? :]]


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Uh, what?
I thought those were dragons. If I offended you I'm sorry -.-''

I'm just tired of this someone telling me your better then me just because I dun draw dogs. I think those are dogs, right?

Oh, I see. Well, I can understand why you'd be ticked if someone's breathing down your neck for not doing this or that.

I love drawing. I've been scribbling things since I was two or three, and I realized I loved art when I was about six. But I didn't start drawing seriously [or trying to anyway xP] until I was about nine or ten.

I'd say I'm pretty good. My best points in drawing are general anatomy, hair, and eyes. I'm really bad at hands and feet though.

For some reason, I really hate it when people say I'm a good artist. I hate it when anyone says that to anyone, really. And I don't know why. I always want to slap someone when they compliment me on my art.

I'd post a picture of mine, but those most recent pictures I have are from 6-7 months ago, and I've really improved since drawing them.

I really want some more copics for Christmas though. Rachelgotchi bought me a pack of twelve for my 12th birthday, but I've misplaced them. >:U

I love drawing! Mostly Hamtaro or Anime/Manga, or just doodles (scribbly lines, etc.). I mostly like to color them in, though.

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