Do you like music city?


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i don't like music city because they never let me log in and now they say i have no account with them

not really i like v5.5 way more the music city its so boring at music city

I love it! It is the most unique Tamatown there is!

I hoped that they would work on it a bit more however. It's still great though! :D

Gaiaonline isnt complicated xD

But I think its really cool! Safe chat kinda stinks though....

You can never say what you want to :/ They should make a server where they have

non safe chat

1. im not sure about the whole v5 city because I never was able to get on. Ever. Seriously. It always said "this dumb place is too crowded. So go away." except not exactly like that....

2. i do like music city tho. except its being dumb like the v5 city. its never working. maybe its just my computer. probably actually....

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