Do you like talking on the phone?


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
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I am just you? I think it runs through my family that no one likes talking on the phone. That's why when old friends call me I make an excuse that I have to go. I like IMing better. Just me I guess. It's hurts my ear too. xD

There's only a few people I feel comfortable talking to- RabbitDog and one of my other friends, who I was talking to for 2 and a half hours to the other night. xD

I do but I only have 2 friends to talk to and when you tell them something they just say okay so thats why I usually only talk to my cousins on the phone

Overall? No.

Especialy talking to those friends who will be sitting at a computer or talking to someone else and then complains that you are hanging up then will try to beg you to stay. xP

i like talking on the phone but i hate leaving messages on the line because it wastes credit

Are you kidding me? I LOVE talking on the phone! I talk for hours, I can't choose between IMing and phone, so I do both! :mametchi:

Depending on my mood. When I'm bored, it's ok if someone calls me. But I never call someone.

But I rarely get phone calls any more. More friends know I don't really like using the phone.

when I get mad at someone on the phone i'll start insulting them tell them i'm hanging up then i'll hang up and if they call back i'll yell and say not to call me again and hang up thats what my cousins do also

Yeah? Sometimes when im on the PC, my friend calls. She tells me to go to DeviantART because she found this cool picture thats Naruto related XD TSUNADE!

My record is a Hour and 45 Minutes so far. I cant IMN her because she isn't allowed IM's

Yeah I love talkin on the phone.. I once talked on the phone for like 8 hours with my friend XD

......hanging up then will try to beg you to stay. xP
Ugh. Especially when they're talking about nothing. xD

And when you're a bit busy doing something that you like to do.

Well.. It depends on who I'm talking to, and If I'm having a good time talking to them.

I don't mind the phone. It's OK, and luckily for us its free when local call from fixed to fixed phone. There are times when I don't feel like calling/being rung, and I only like talking to my better friends via phone, although one of them somehow manages to keep me on for ages (an hour, or slightly more). But overall, I prefer the computer.

I love Talking on the phone, but sometimes i just can;t really be bothered to Chat. I find it easier to log onto MSN/TT/IM or something to talk to my friends. I talk better when i'm typing because people can't really look into your Conversaions.

If you want your conversation to be Private- I would recommend using IM or something.

If you want yur conversation to be Public- Then use your Phone, people will probably overhear. XD

No, it's not for me. I'd rather be on MSN for that matter.

But occasinally, I'll talk on the phone to a far waay friend, and have a great time. ;)

I like talking on the phone. I can't IM because I don't have a cell phone. I don't think I ever even IMed before.


Whenever I call a friend just to say hello, I usually talk for about an hour without even realizing it. XD



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