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I like how you edited it.

But try to keep your own artwork next time, thats art stealing. ;]

Nice drawing by the way! n____n

Is it actually art theft ? o.0
Art theft:

Taking without permission: Taking editing, stealing atc. Is art theft. The only time it isn't art theft is if it is based of your own idea, and is completely made by you.

You could be prosecuted in the real life for art theft. ^_^

Missbehave took a picture, edited it and posted it.

But she said she edited- that doesnt mean she's completely free. Give credit to who made it, and say if they gave you permission then your offa the hook. =]

You didn't draw it. I don't see how anyone should give you any credit at all for coloring something over in paint. Seriously.

It isn't art theft since she didn't say she drew it, technically, though it's recoloring, equally obnoxious.

Guys chill out atleast she admited that she didnt 100% make it >.>
Chill out at least I do one of those pyon posts things >.>



That's kinda like saying "Well at least she told the truth! :D " Is it standard that people lie nowadays or something? Wow, I feel old.

*Shoots thread with water*

I'm sure you've seen the disclaimer in the rules of using a picture from the web from one site or another "do not call it your own, blah blah blah, do not edit it and call it your own, blah blah blah". Most people don't like that if you just use and image and tweak it unless you say that you took it from 'x' and some not even that. Just as a warning, be careful in what you call your own next time and give others' credit or even better, don't do it at all. ;]

Either way, what type of file are you saving it as? It's all blury. o_O Use JPEG or PNG, bitmap and GIF will mess up your colors.

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Wow, you used ms paint?

That's incredible. .-.

edit: nvm. ripped. >__>

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I've seen you draw seals and creatures, but this... is amazing!

There is no way to really describe this, but I'd love to have this!

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LovelySwan: She didn't draw it. It sounds like you are saying that she draws really well and you wish you could draw like her, but all she did was color it. And while she does have a nice taste in colors and styles and stuff, this is not her own work.

Ooh, I see where this is going.

Don't worry, she ment it in a good way and not a bad way.

Basically, she said you have nice taste. So don't take it personally, MissBehave ;)

Ooh, I see where this is going. Don't worry, she ment it in a good way and not a bad way.

Basically, she said you have nice taste. So don't take it personally, MissBehave :furawatchi:
No I'm not talking about GG96, it was some one else who said that.

It isn't art theft, it's only art theft if I say "Look I done this myself" I was only asking if you liked how I edited it. ugh
Oh yes and I'll add to that, it's not like I'm actually going to use it for something, I just edited it on paint and I liked the way it came out so I asked if you liked how I edited it. Sorry, don't make an argument with me.

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