Do you like to draw?


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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Connecticut, United States
[SIZE=14pt]Do you like to draw?[/SIZE]

Yuppers, I like to draw. I'm pretty good at it, but I'm not that good at drawing people (unless they are cartoon people).

So, DO you like to draw? Vote then post what you voted. Even show some of your artwork!

Note: This is real life drawing, not drawing on the computer.

Yes. I love it. I draw in pencil and also do a little bit of computer art. I'm trying to start to get into painting soon. [Total art junkie]

I draw a bit. I'm in Art Club at school. We're painting murals. ;)

When I scetch, I usually end up sketching anime.

And I have some experience with MS Paint / computer art.

But I'm not great at it. I have a few friends who are INCREDIBLE.

But I still enjoy it nonetheless. :D

Im really good at it, but I dont really like to draw. I draw little monsters and aliens and fantasy stufflike that, but other then that I dont like it.

Plus, Im scared of lead pencils. So that makes it real hard. I usually draw with crayons, or if I have to, normal pencils.

I love drawing. I have all these pictures I have drawn when I was 5 years old!

yeah, I love drawing. I always like to draw outfits, like black dresses, and in my notebooks I made my own clothing company and I draw the kind of lothes they sell.

I am also okay at drawing people, anime and real. But if you ask me to draw an animal, I'm a failure X.x

I can draw.

I draw clouds. [Little puffs] I draw sheep. [Little puffs with legs] I draw marshmallows. [squares with rounded edges] And I am amazing at drawing triangles. ;D

I like to colour in my drawings with bright, random crayons. <33

Or splash paint all over them. That also entertains me.

I'm really great at drawing anime and manga (at least I think so XP) but the kids at school say my drawings't mention because it's innapropriate.


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