Do you like to shop?


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2006
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Do you like to shop? I really don't like to shop that much. Only for electronics.

I like to shop, except when I can't find anything that fits me. Then I get angry, and I want to go home.

I only shop when I really need to. Not like shopping whenever I have free time. I go on TamaTalk whenever I have free time ^_^

I think that all people subconciously like to shop for things that interest them.

Like.. I like to shop for art supplies, but I hate shopping for clothes. But just because I don't like to shop for clothes doesn't mean I don't like shopping in general.

Depends on what I'm looking for.

For food and clothes I hate, because I work in a store that sells groceries and clothing.

It sells most everything else.. but I don't shop for everything else xP

Electronics I don't mind shopping for. Something amusing to play with.

I like shopping for some stuff. Sometimes I'll go to the grocery store (I actually haven't been shopping in a grocery store for groceries (we've been for things like detergent) for over a year now.) and I don't have much of a problem, but sometimes I feel like throwing a fit like the two year olds in the store. Shopping for toys or something else that I want, yes, I like that.

I like shopping for clothes on the internet, but in real stores, I have serious issues.

I love shopping for clothes and make up and stuff like that!but i dont like sporty type stufff so i dont like shops like that...or fishing shops!<.<

Well, unless it's for something I want. ^^ Which includes electronics, toys, stuffed animals...xD

I only really like to shop for myself, mostly tamas, games and things like that, i am not a big fan of shopping but it's ok i guess ;)

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!! :(

I love shopping, especially for clothes and random stuff, but I am a very cheap shopper.

I hate spending my money, it pretty much kills me, but I love getting new stuff.

I think that's why I never go for all the name brand stuff, I'm that cheap.

I don't like to shop name brand either.

Mainly because I don't want to spend a hundred dollars on a designer pair of jeans just so I'll grow out of them next year.

I like moping around in dark corners in huge shopping malls looking moody and shooting evil looks at passerby kids...

but i hate shopping

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