Do you miss....


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^ I love your reaction...

I miss being a kid, yes. Less pressure by society, and theres a lot of things I'd like to fix. To remind me of the past, I stay up late at night to watch old school nicktoons, or maybe even Boomerang. I like to watch the good Disney movies from the past. I also like to watch animes like Inuyasha, Case Closed, Lupin The Third, Trigun and what not because that would sum up my summer nights, watching anime on Adult Swim. I like to sit near windows and watch lightening, and even eat caramel squares and instant ramen because it reminds me of being a kid. I also listen to a lot of Frankie J because I loved him <3. I guess you can kinda say spanish music in general makes me remember being a kid a lot too. A lot of things give me comfort when I feel down <3 You can tell I miss being young.

I actually do not miss my past at all. xD

I miss a few things, but I'm generally happier now than when I was younger.

Yes and no.

Yes, becuase I wish I could just go back and do it again. I now realize that I could do it a certain and diffrent way in my past.

No, becuase there wasn't much, but yet a lot.

I think my past was pretty good.

I stay up late at night to watch old school nicktoons, or maybe even Boomerang. I like to watch the good Disney movies from the past. I also like to watch animes like Inuyasha, Case Closed, Lupin The Third, Trigun and what not because that would sum up my summer nights, watching anime on Adult Swim.
^Pretty much what I do. (Except I watch anime because it reminds me of the kind of things I used to watch, such as Pokemon. It was hard to believe that they now do One Piece for its intended audience instead of a 4Kids one when I got back into anime, and I'd never even watched the series) Especially Case Closed, it's the kind of thing I would have been all over when I was younger, if I could have watched it, that is. Old school cartoons are one of the best nostalgia sources for me too.*Loves watching really bad 90's stuff when no one is looking*

I also set up my PS1 and play the old Spyro the Dragon games. My sister and I used to all the time, and still do sometimes. I also like playing Sonic Heroes, because of how badly I secretly wanted that game when I was younger, despite the fact I never got it. I adore my little 90's Sonic plush too, with his fuzziness he feels just like the kind I had when I was younger.^^

We also used to have this sandpit we played in, and pretend to be various characters from our favorite series. xD

I never really had good times at school though. I was pretty mush stuffed at the back of the cassroom, despite needing to be at the front as I am deaf in one ear. I was also made fun of a lot, and those people would claim I did things so I would get on the bad side of the teachers. That's one part I don't miss. i-_- And when I actually caused trouble. That's another part I don't miss. Dx Both played a pretty big part too.

Tama :( Phantom

in a way yes, in another huge way no!

i miss my kiddy days :)

like when you didnt care how you looked, and life was easier.

but i dont miss my first heartbreak, even though it was a huge lesson for me.

i think it's so ironic i found this topic today, cuz ive been there ALL DAY.

its the end of summer and im about to start a new school, but all I can think of is last winter with my old school and old buds, before we all lost a good amount of innosence. Back when things were simpler and there were prospects for all of us, and things just seemed so sweet, with the couples and everything.

now, we've dated too many people in too many complicated situations, held too many grudges and made too many mistakes. Those beautiful times in the cold air hanging outside of school will never come again.

I miss last winter <3

I miss not caring about how I looked. I miss having loads of friends. I miss not worrying about myself. But most of all, I miss being so innocent, without any nonsense about love, friendship and all that.

I guess I just miss being a kid.

Yes, I do. So much.I miss the friendships I used to have.

How life seemed much simpler.

I had the bestest friends and had the bestest memories back then.

Life's fun now but I miss my early childhood so bad.

The past? Oh dear. I miss a lot of things about my past. I moved all the time and I never really made friends until the fourth grade, but then I had to leave again in fifth. Now I just left the school I was at for three years. I'm going to a different high school. I know there's time to make new friends, but three years in a small town school and leaving behind the thirty students who impacted your life the most is hard. Life is hard, no one ever said it was easy though. You have to learn from the past and make peace with it.

There are things that I do miss about my past, like

  • everything being simpler
  • less homework, and fewer stresses in general
  • that looks didn't matter as much
  • not having insane views on various things in this world
  • my family actually talking to me on a regular basis
But there are some things I won't miss at all:

  • all the bullying I endured (especially after coming out in 7th grade)
  • being such a brat
  • not even knowing anything that will matter in life
  • not having any friends
So, yeah... I don't exactly know how to feel.

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I do miss 2nd and 4th grade greatly, where I actually had friends and didn't clash with a teacher in elementary school. Middle school was just lame. I was clashing with teacher a lot, and the hormones started kicking in so I would try to force myself to like a guy when I actually didn't...and it's gotten me into sticky and life-threatening situations. I miss when I was in the closet and didn't even know it and when I got invited to sleepovers. Heck, I miss my FIRST sleepover. I was about 5 and it was with just me and two of my cousin's at my grandma's. It was so epic. I had Froot Loops in the morning. ;)

Things are better now that I'm not beat up on a weekly basis...but yeah. :/

Some parts of my past, yes. Like when my old horse was still alive. He was a Thoroughbred; great jumper. He passed away 3 years ago at 34 years of age. I owned him since he was 7 months old. He lived through 3 husbands and did meet my current one, who also loved him dearly. I also wished I still had my job at Motorola. I worked there as a process engineer for 22 years, and made great money. My childhood, I miss also. Life was so much simpler then.

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There are times in my life when yes, I do miss the old times but then there are times when I love who I am now.

Things I miss:

The way when I was around 6 or 7, maybe even younger, our family used to have lots of summer barbeques. I miss when surfy music such as The Red Hot Chilli Peppers were more well known. When none of this rap and pop music was famous. When the old rock songs were famous. I miss watching my dad go surfing and coming back telling us how the waves were. And the summer sunsets. I miss everything about back then. Mainly, I miss the simplicity of life back then, when we had nothing to worry about.

But now, I have lots of things to love and I have the rest of my life ahead of me. I want to work hard at school to become a vet which I have always wanted to be. I have my freinds, my family, my dear Cat, Scrumpy and the possible new cat which we have yet to name.

So overall, I'm half and half.

Holy c@#$ I do, I want to go back in time to April, whenn I was going out with a guy..

I miss to many things to list.

Like the way I THOUGHT i was miserable living in a apartment.

The way things were so simple and my family was so close together.

The way I could be, and do, what I wanted to.

My friends...

I'm definitely happier now than i've ever been, generally, but i do miss my past, just because i feel like life is going by waaay too fast. I kind of wish i can start over some times, so i can re-live the best parts of my life, do some things differently, but mostly i just want my high school days to last. It seems like they're flying by. ;-; And it seems like just yesterday i was in middle school. Is freshman year really over? I can't believe how fast it was. And then after high school, then i have to go to college and stuff, and then there's really no going back, y'know?

every second of my life, im missing the past.

i miss before high school, back when things were so simple and we were head of the school.

we just ran around carefree, in one massive group of friends. we were all so close and knew

each other and our inside jokes, it was amazing. back before we all panicked and started

messing around with each others' boyfriends and back before we kissed and I lost my best

guyfriend possibly forever... :'(

I wouldn't really say I miss my past, but I'd like to go back to when I was 10 and redo everything from then until now. Had I known that this is what my life would be at 21, I would have made better choices.

Call me a pessimist, but I really don't see my life getting better from here :/

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