Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?


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I shall start naming stuff after TT friends. People may claim these:
(Pictures coming soon)

My clock

My cell - Ksenia

My awesome pink frilly lamp all curvy and has crystals. Very sexy. -Huntr

My Juicy Perfume. -Caillie (That's your name right?)

My pencil box filled with crayons. (I think one of you crayon eaters shall claim it)

My little shell I found at the beach -Starfire!

My shredded money in a jar I bought in D.C. -Beth

Claim away my friendlings!
Update #3!

Esther! May I be your new camera? O:

Mine's pink too! Wouldn't it be epic if we had the same ones! 83

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Esther! May I be your new camera? O:
Mine's pink too! Wouldn't it be epic if we had the same ones! 83
Krystal! The camera is yours.

[ Well, not literally. But it has been named in your honour, and that's just as satisfying. ]

I'll find a picture of it for you. It's on Amazon.

Heh, today my teacher threatned to steal my lunch bag, the smiley face one (Ksenia). I traded my lunch in to use a protractor for the test, and she said she liked it and would keep it. And oddly, it happened to be Ksenia's birthday on the day my teacher almost stole her!

I guess I need to offer something.......... um, my grand piano?

^^ That's... odd.

Jamieeeee! I'd love to be your ace bandage, because I love bandages and that one sounds epic. I don't think I've named anything after you yet... [silly me D: ]

And, a list:

-- My soon-to-be knitted teddy bear. I knitted it myself. Well, it's almost finished. It's a girl and has green legs, and the rest is coloured string with purple, pink, yellow and sorta whitish. It's like my child, so it has to be one of my best friends on here. You know who you are.

-- My black Sharpie.

-- My remote.

-- My TV [you should be friendies with the remote :) ]

-- My pink scarf, which I treasure a lot.

shall start naming stuff after TT friends. People may claim these:
(Pictures coming soon)

My clock-Wei-Wei

My cell - Ksenia

My awesome pink frilly lamp all curvy and has crystals. Very sexy. -Huntr

My Juicy Perfume. -Caillie (That's your name right?)

My pencil box filled with crayons. (I think one of you crayon eaters shall claim it)

My little shell I found at the beach -Starfire!

My shredded money in a jar I bought in D.C. -Beth

Claim away my friendlings!
Update #4!

More things:

My shudder shades

My purple clown fish plush thing

My bottles of nail polish

^^ That's... odd.
Jamieeeee! I'd love to be your ace bandage, because I love bandages and that one sounds epic. I don't think I've named anything after you yet... [silly me D: ]

And, a list:

-- My soon-to-be knitted teddy bear. I knitted it myself. Well, it's almost finished. It's a girl and has green legs, and the rest is coloured string with purple, pink, yellow and sorta whitish. It's like my child, so it has to be one of my best friends on here. You know who you are.

-- My black Sharpie.

-- My remote.

-- My TV [you should be friendies with the remote :) ]

-- My pink scarf, which I treasure a lot.
Ksenia, I don't know if I'm something of yours, but if I am, I would give it up to be your teddy <3

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