Do you remember your first tama?


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Ah, yes... I remember EVERYTHING. I mean that! Quite a while ago, my uncle was looking in the loft of my grandparent's house and found a wonderful clear blue P1 Tama! I had a feeling I knew what it was. ''This... is a Tamagotchi,'' my uncle had said. ''Yeah, I've heard of those!'' I replied, and before we knew it he was telling me all about them and how he killed his Tamas... ha. He asked me if I wanted it and I said ''OK,'' but I WISH I said more! Now, thanks to my uncle, I am a diehard Tama Fan. :D

I'll continue some other time this week. :) I just typed a whole load of stuff and pressed BACK. D'oh!

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I was 12 and in KB toys in the mall, and I saw the orange and black one. I asked my parents if I could get him, and I did. I played him for awhile, but was bored with him pretty quick. I was more into Giga pets then. I ended up giving him to my cousin. It wasn't till I was about 16 that I really wanted all my old electronic pets back, and slowly started building it back again. I just recently bought that black and orange one new off ebay.

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I got my first Tamagotchi back in October 2005. I was on vacation for the Oktoberfest in Bartlett, NH. Me and my sister both got one. I tried naming my first one Mimitchi but I ended up naming it Mimit. I thought that the poop was the Tamagotchi's friend. They always died in their toddler/teenager stages. Well, that's what I get for not reading the instructions!

The shell design was the "Red with Jelly Beans" design.

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I thought that the poop was the Tamagotchi's friend.
^lol omg. Younger you sounds like a cute kid ;}

I got mine from Target when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. It was an all white V1 with yellow buttons. I remember being disappointed at the plain shell but it was the only one left in stock. I checked all the racks at least 5 times looking for a hidden shell with a pretty color but all the ones left were just the same. Not long after that I got the exact same one for my friend for her birthday (again, only the white shell was in stock)

Once the battery died I couldn't play it anymore because my mom wouldn't buy me a new one because "those batteries are expensive" so it sat in the same spot for the rest of what I remember and I didn't play another Tamagotchi until the release of the V3.

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Yes I remember my very first tamagotchi :)

I got it about a month ago :lol: , it's a 4.5 a few days(or a week) later the v5

and last week friday I got the ID L (I am so happy with it :) )

Right now I'm in generation 2 on my ID L and my kaubotchi is sleeping at the moment :p

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I remember back in the good old days of 1st grade I got two long-awaited. V3s for my birthday. One was yellow with stars, the other was pink with cherries.

Aw, yes. I remember my first Tamagotchi. In fact, I'm using it now. I got it 5 years ago, when I was 7. It's a v4. I got it cuz my cousin got one, and I got hooked to tamagotchi :lol:

My family has always been poor so my first tama I got from a girl at elementary school. The buttons were worn down so she didnt want it anymore. It was black with an orange bottom P1/P2, I never had instructions with them so didnt quite know how to play with it but I liked it.

After that I got a bunch of broken Tama's, Giga's and Nanos from different kid and fixed them up, swapped buttons, screws, shells etc to get them working, and opened the ones that had gotten wet to dry them out etc. I ended up fixing tamas in exchange for tamas XD. When the fad started dying out I literally had a shoe box of them.

Though my family has always moved a lot so they were lost, or my mom found them and sold them without telling me (she did that a lot) last time I saw my angelgotchi was about 2 years ago, though I cant even find the box that one was in now.

my first tama was Yuki penguin and i played with it until the button no spoil LOL and that was many many years ago.

Super Gyaoppi II I believe was my first pet. If not that then it was a P1 purple see-through Tamagotchi (which got stolen, along with my blue Angelgotchi).

I don't remember my first from back in elementary school when I used to play with them, but I found an old one in my closet a few weeks ago, replaced the battery and finally started playing again ^^ My first one this time was a Mametchi named Bob =)

My very first Tamagotchi was a clear pink Connection Version 2. The weird thing is that I can clearly remember that my first Tamagotchi ever, whom I named Sonia, was a female... Ginjirotchi! As far as I know, Ginjirotchi is a male character...

Oh dear, my first Tamagotchi was a virtual pet dog called "Bow Wow." Mum wouldn't let me have a proper Tamagotchi because they were too expensive. I had a choice between a freaky looking fish one, or the dog.

Mind you, this is back in the day of the original release of the Tamagotchi in 1997. I was 6 at the time (turned 7 after the release).

My first proper Tamagotchi was the V1 Connection when they were released in Australia. Because I didn't own an original, I bought one of these. Then two. Then the subsequent versions came out and I bought them too.

I just ordered a Tamagotchi ID L online. Killed my wallet. Lucky I work a lot of hours during my Uni break or I would NOT be buying one of those babies. ><

Its funny... One of my neice is all over my IDL. Its her "favorite" I let her look at my character, play a few games, maybe feed the tama (resturant food just to be safe) clean the house with it... She loves it. Very young yet to even have a basic one yet, but she might be able to have an "App or Mobile" version later. I watch her like a hawk but its quickly becomming "her first tama"... She can't have it. She is going to spaz at my pink P comming..... Gather the future, show them to the young'ins. Play the First Movie a lot. Hehehe. I can only hope.

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My first Tama was an Ocean Tama :) I can still remember picking it up at a flea market when I was about 5 or 6. Granted, I was terrible at taking care of it (it was an Ocean, and I was a little kid, what do you expect?).

It was 1997 and I was in 5th grade at the time. The tamagotchi craze had just hit my town and everyone had them, my mother had to fight her way into KB Toys (yes, we used to have those) to get them; a yellow one with an orange crack / buttons for me, and green with yellow for my brother. He quickly abandoned his, but was hooked. My obsession carried well into P2s and angels, as well as digimon and some of the Japanese releases. Hell, I even remember having an issue of a dedicated virtual pets magazine and reading about all the cool versions Japan had. I think it only ever had the one issue.

I was never one for gigapets or any other non-Bandai brands though. To me, they always felt like imitators.

I don't remember my first from back in elementary school when I used to play with them, but I found an old one in my closet a few weeks ago, replaced the battery and finally started playing again ^^ My first one this time was a Mametchi named Bob =)

First tamagotchi toy not first tamagotchi character.

A while back, (probably late 2007) my grandfather took me to a Walgreens because I liked to look at their cheap toys. After browsing around, I noticed a green-camo connection V4.

He purchased it for me and I soon discovered Tamatown and whatnot. I've been a fan ever since! (I actually just broke my V4 though, oops. <_< )
