Do you remember your first tama?


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Sadly, Tamas wew only popular in my country when they first came out. :( Well, back then, it was almost impossible to find the original ones.

Nowadays, the only tama I could find was the TamaTown Tama-go. Well, sadly (again!) the number of figurines available is three... :angry:

Mametchi, Memetchi and Chamametchi... the saddest of this story is ebay isn't that popular here, and it wold take much time (and costs) in order to have my dream collection...

I remember getting my first tama like it was yesterday! I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and a decent amount of kids already had tamagotchis. (in fact, one of the mean girls used to tell all of us that the 'secret character' was Bill Clinton, and he ate McDonalds and apple sauce :rolleyes: ) for a while it was impossible to find tamas in stores, so my mom got me a nano kitty- which I LOVED (and still have). Then one day, my mom mentioned that she knew of a place with tamas in stock!! I could barely contain my excitement. I picked a teal shell with a purple border and pink buttons (it was a tough choice between that one and a translucent dark green shell). I still have the box and it even still has the original price sticker on it, $29.99. :lol:


little did i know, that 17 years later i would still be... :newmametchi: obsessed with them.

i got my first tama in 2007 i think it was a v4.5?? it was the fall leaves fattern. recently i stripped it of the leaves and gave it some gold buttons.

I was told I had a few original tamagotchis, but they were thrown away because they were annoying?? but the first tamagotchi i actually remember having was from 2005-2006, when I got my first v2.

I got my first tamagotchi on my 8th Birthday from a family friend. I played with it for a day and was already hooked- it was clear blue. I then went and bought myself another one which was red. They were V2. I then bought myself a V3, V4 and V5- which were union jack, blue clouds and silver. About a year ago I saw an advert for the new Tamagotchi Friends. I knew I had to get one even though I thought I was too old (18). I loved them then and i love them now. Im currently running 3 Friends in Red, Blue and my newest one which I bought yesterday in purple. As soon as i go back home for easter im gunna dig my old tamas out.

My first Tama was a V1 when they first came back in 2004 :) Sparkly red with orange buttons.

Running it right now actually since my P's is all grown up lol

I can't really remember what year it was that I was first bought one (1998 probably), but I do remember seeing a child my age playing with one in a bank and asking where he got it, dragging my mum from what she was doing and running up the road to the toy shop they were selling them in, and there was a line out the door! xD

I remember mine being a metallic p1 with either blue, yellow or pink clouds or something? But I remember dropping it getting out of the car once and broke a line of pixels xD my sister got a green dinkie dino :)

Ahh memories!! :D

I still remember getting my first one, it was back when they first came out in the UK. I saw them when I was out shopping with my mum and went crazy for one. I ended up promising my mum that I would keep my room tidy for at least a month and I would stop asking for a puppy. Being about seven (I think) at the time that was a pretty big deal to me. I never put it down until I had to go back to school and I wasn't allowed to take it with me. My mum would take it off my every morning and either her or my dad would have to look after it until I got home. They let it die once and I got so upset that my mum took charge and actually looked after it better than I did sometimes, I think she secretly enjoyed playing with it really. After a couple of years it just stopped working for some reason, tried loads of new batteries but nothing :/

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Ahh yes. I remember that day. I was with my sister, friend, and cousin (all girls). I only knew tamagotchis existed when the v4.5 was out. We were at walmart, and we were all dying to get tamagotchis! We all picked our favorite shell and when we got home, we played like there was no tomorrow! :)

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The first tamagotchi I played with was a fake one that belonged to a school mate :) . It was I think in 1996-1997 when they first appeared. I didn't get one at that time (couldn't afford one myself) but I could borrow it from my colleague so I played with it. I am not sure exactly what it was, all I remember you could choose between a few animals and one of them was an elephant which did very funny somersaults. I wish I could figure out what it was and find a similar one :) . I loved playing with it at that time and I wished I had one myself.

Anyway, just this year I found an IDL e in a Japanese department store and I remembered how much I wanted a Tamagotchi! So I couldn't resist not buying it. So, that's my own first tama :) , and I like it a lot. After that, I looked up what other tamagotchis are there and I decided I want to try some of the older ones, that's how I ended up buying another 6 (!!) online (I need to stop buying! :) ). I only received one until now, a v4.5, but I can't wait to get the others.

I am quite older now (with a job and everything), but I think I always wanted to have these and just forgot about them by the time I could buy one myself. I am very happy to have re-discovered them!

I didn't remember anything too specific about the tamagotchi itself but i remember that my addiction was too bad that my teacher threatened to throw it out the window. my second tamagotchi was green though.

I got my first Tamagotchi as an end-of-the-year present in 1st grade because I heard about them and wanted one REALLY badly. Now, I have at least 20 Tamagotchis. I still have it and it is a yellow V4.

My first Tama... well, it was so many years ago, I don't remember exactly when, but it was a v3 Pink Ribbon design. I wanted one badly, and I couldn't find them anywhere. So, my aunt who lived in another state bought me one and mailed it to me. I cried because I was so happy. <3

Not quite, it was so long ago! I do remember that they died a lot so it never got to be an adult. I also thought the poops were hersheys kisses. I would wear it on a key ring with my Giga Pet (I had the dog) and my Nano; but I had several virtual pets so there were like four or five of them, maybe? Hahaha. My first virtual pet was some off brand dinosaur one from Walgreens, then I got a Giga Pet, Tamagotchi, and Nano. I took my virtual pets with me to Las Vegas. I remember sitting behind a couch or something playing with them; that's like the first thing that pops into my head when I think back to having my first Tamagotchi. That, and coming home from school to find it dead AGAIN! Hahaha!

mine was the see-through orange v1. i got it when i was around 6 years old. i remember i got it because i liked the shell, but i dont remember any experiences with it. :mellow:

I had a V1 but the one I remember most was a white one with green dots on it and it looked like a turtle shell and was so cute xD I think I liked it the most because of the fact that it reminded me of turtles :3
