Do you see colors in your dreams?


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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2006
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imaginary land
This is more of a "just wondering" thing.. I've read that the sign of an artist is to see colors in dreams.

I wouldn't know, since I'm an "artist" and I do see colors in my dreams, but that doesn't mean anything.

I asked my mom if she saw colors in her dreams, and she said that she couldn't ever remember that she had seen colors in them.

So, do you, or don't you?

I do, but not very bright colours, just blues and purples, sometimes dull red.

I do see colors in my dreams. I don't think it's a sign of being an artist though.

Yes. I thought everybody did. :p

Do you mean like some people see their dreams in black and white?


Yep! ^^ I'm not sure it means I'm an artist, but I do think it's neat. Most of my family don't see in color during their dreams! :huh:

Well, if you can't focus on the fact that it is color. Kinda like deja vu, I guess, you know it HAS to be there, but if you try and think about it you can't remember.

I see bright colors in my dreams, so I wouldn't know that feeling.

Yes, I see colours in my dreams.

I once had a dream I was getting engaged and my ring was gold with what looked like a white opal.

But I'm not an artist.

I dream in full color just like real life o.o Not one dream I remember was in just one tone/shade of color nor Black and White

That's strange that some people don't, I've always dreamt in very vivid color. I don't know if it's a sign of being a good artist though. I mean I guess dreams do reflect a persons deepest thoughts, so if you dreamt in alot of color it would mean you really think about it alot and notice it, I guess that would be a very valuable trait for an artsist. However artists still need the whole talent thing to be good, but being aware of color is important.

Yea, it's always weird colours. In a dream, I was in a hospital and House was my doctor and the hospital was blue and orange o_O I'm definetly(sp?) no artist!

I'm defienatly not an artist, but all my dreams are in full out color. Most of my dreams are very life-like, and sometimes I cannot tell that I'm dreaming. Dreaming is like an adventure to me. :marumimitchi:

That's strange that some people don't, I've always dreamt in very vivid color. I don't know if it's a sign of being a good artist though. I mean I guess dreams do reflect a persons deepest thoughts, so if you dreamt in alot of color it would mean you really think about it alot and notice it, I guess that would be a very valuable trait for an artsist. However artists still need the whole talent thing to be good, but being aware of color is important.
Yay me? My dreams have color down to the last detail. Only if it is a weird dream o.o Does that mean I have a good Perceptive!?

My dreams are always in colour. Nothing is black or white unless it is supposed to be.

Yes, I do see colors in my dreams. Sometimes it might be black and white, but that might be when I'm watching old TV shows on the TV in my dreams.

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