Do you sit with your legs crossed?


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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2005
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I do, sometimes. It makes me feel girly. x3

What about you?

^ Me too. x3

Yeah, this is one of those, "Man, I'm bored, I wanna find out how many people cross their legs when they sit" situations.

I'm sitting with my legs crossed right now. :]

I usually sit like this when I'm on the computer.

I'm just really used to it because we had to sit like this in school when I was younger.

It doesn't make me feel girly. It makes me feel...the opposite of girly, I guess. :]

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ALL THE TIME. 8DD I don't know why..... I feel girly when I do it too, so sometimes I try not to. :huh:

I usuallly do. I don't really like it though - when I'm sitting in the track locker room, and then realize I'm sitting with my legs crossed (And am the only one, too.), I feel so girly and out of place.

I sit with my legs crossed the way men do XD Basically, rest one ankle/foot on the other knee.

I can't sit with my legs completely crossed. I bothers me for some reason. It's just so uncomfortable to me xP I swear I should have been born male, lol.

I sit with my legs crossed the way men do XD Basically, rest one ankle/foot on the other knee.
I can't sit with my legs completely crossed. I bothers me for some reason. It's just so uncomfortable to me xP I swear I should have been born male, lol.
xD The only time I sit like that is when I'm getting something off of my sock or touching my feet. x3

I don't. I sit with them either wide out, tucked like a ball or on the table or something... lol

It bugs me wen my skin touches. Like I hate it when people snap their fingers (cause they're rubbing theiir finges together) *shivers* or rub their hands, anything like that. I'm picky about my skin-touchingness, (word for it?? :lol: ) so it's uncomfortable to me

Its beyond a choice now, its a reflex. I can't sit with out my legs crossed. I can't do it its just so horrible sitting with out them crossed. Even if i'm the only one I can't not do it.

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