Do you sit with your legs crossed?


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Yeah I sit like The Script too even if I'm on a chair like now it's just what I do.

^ epicfail? xD

When I'm on the floor I sit like The Script said she does. But when I'm in a chair I sit... 'The girly way'.


I've actually noticed I sit/lie/stand all kinds of ways. I don't ever really think about what I'm doing but when I do I often find myself in odd positions. Like I'll be sitting on my bed checking my texts with my legs up on the wall and my head dangling off one end.

Thank God all you guys ever see of me is my posing-perfect(ish) photos. xD

Well I am tall and skinny.. so I sometimes sit with my legs straight down so I don't look like a mess, with my legs going everywhere xD

I do sometimes though.

Haha yeah, all the time xD In math class, my friends are like, with their legs all un-girly and I'm the only lady-like one D; but most of the time my feet are tucked under my bottom ^_^ I have odd positions.

^ Naw, that's the other way of crossing your legs. We're talking about this.

Then, no. I do not sit like that.

I actually kind of hate sitting like that, it bothers me.

I sit the way that The Script. <3 said.

And I sit the way that SK said.

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I am really figety, so I normally don't stay in the same position for long :rolleyes:

Sometimes, not that reminds me of kindergarten when the teacher would say, "criss cross, apple sauce," which I like, though.

Even when the seat is really high I crouch and lean over or just sit normally. (At the computer, though, it's too low when I sit normally so I generally crouch. x3)

I actually started sitting like that sometimes, but it makes me feel all grown up.

And if you know me, I wanna stay a kid so I dont lose respect for drinking milkonade and eating crayons.

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