Do You Sleep Walk/talk?


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March 2008 Contest Winner
Jan 2, 2008
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I don't sleep walk but I sleep talk.

Once I was at a sleep-over and we had to sleep in the living room.We were all talking about which celeb we were in love with.I loved Nick Jonas so we talked about that for awhile.When we went to bed,we wanted to see who could stay up the longest.It was down to me and my friend.Soon I fell asleep,and in the moring my friend told me that I said "I love Nick Jonas."twice! :eek:

I never did before a few nights ago, when I, according to my sister muttered profanities in my sleep. I don't think the mods would be very pleased if I repeated them here, so I shalt spare you the details. xD


Phobo-x.addicted.x-x.N e o n

I sleep walked before~ but when I walked for a few seconds I woke up and I said, "What in the name of elephants am I doing here?". My mother came up to me and said, "I better tie you to the bed." That was the first time I sleep walked and that was 3 years ago. I don't know when I'll sleep walk again....

I talk in my sleep sometimes.

Not often, but sometimes.

'Cuz I wake up & find myself in the middle of a conversation. xDD

& I don't think I sleepwalk.

'Cuz I've never woken up whilst sleep walking. xD

But once, I woke up with strawberry jam all around my face.

& I went downstairs & the strawberry jam was on the side, lid open.

So I think that might've been me sleepwalking. xDD

But I'm not sure.

Well my sister said that one in my sleep I screamed "F### YOU PETA!! BURN IN HELL!!!"

Don't ask XD

once i was sleep walking, heres what happens:

my mum tells me that i was sleep walking i ask what did i do i ''aparantly'' pulled off all my sheets and went to the toilet with them and i put them down then when i was done i went back to bed without my sheets. I then woke up in the morning with no sheets.

my mum said she found sheets in the bathroom!!

I've been told I once sung happy birthday in my sleep to the grime monster.

I used to sleep walk. I would wake up in random spots as I never made it back to my room. Weirdest place was behind the t.v.

My dad sleep talks every night. He once ordered my cat to feed the turkeys. For entertainment I sit outside my parents bedroom.

If I'm in a place I haven't seen before (camp, holiday, friends sleepover) I sleep walk all the time. I can have a whole conversation with my friends in my sleep. Once at camp, my room mates said I was talking about buying fruit (!), then I talked to them all night. They'd say 'Wake up!' and I'd say 'I don't want to wake up!' XD

I sleep talk XD same for my sister. last night I couldn't sleep so I was gonna turn on my david archuleta cd (he's the REAL american idol winner!) anyways, I was gonna turn on the cd and then my sister started mumbling somthing REALLY loud and I was freaking out and ran back to the bed XD

once my mom told me that while I was asleep I said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take your colored pencils!" and my mom said "the colored pencils?" and then I said "yeah the colored pencils!" XDDDDD


I sleep talk a little, I also kick sometimes too.

I also! Twitch.xD

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