Do you sleepwalk?


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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2008
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I do,sometimes. Last night,I didn't sleepwalk,but I kept knocking over my lamb on the bed and putting it back up and knocking it over again.

No, but my dad used to. He came into my room and wouldn't get off my bed, then when I moved he kept following me. :| I was scared so I screamed. :angry:

No, but my friend does. She walked into her mom's bedroom closet and screamed. xD

Yah, because I was over tired. Me and my friend were sleep walking and I went into his sisters room and we started throwing candy at her XD.

Her yelling and screaming woke us up lol.

According to my friend Rebecca,one time at a sleepover at her house,I was laying on my stomache moaning. :D I had a stomach ache that night but she didn't know it,and well,nevermind. xD Oh! One time,my other friend Abby,she started saying,well,growling, "I'LL KILL YOU!! GAH!!" xDD I jumped up and hid in the bathroom!

A few days ago I fell asleep in the living room and woke up in my bed.

So I probably do.

I don't but my brother does. One time, he got up and started to go to the bathroom in the trash can. Luckily, my dad stopped him before he did. Another incident was when my other brother was talking in his sleep, and me and the first brother were asking him questions and he kept answering yes to every question we asked. But, yeah, I don't do any of that stuff.


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Oh my gosh my brother used to be so bad about it. He would freak me out! O_O

One time I was sleeping in his room, and all of a sudden he sat up and said "Raise the Buffalo ship!!!!" I was soooo freaked out! =O I don't know what was going through his mind! xD

Another time when I was sleeping in his room, he said that in the middle of the night I said "Meatsticks". o_O What the heck.

Also he said once I was fiddling around in my sleeping bag and I said "Where the pocket that has Benedryl? I need to see if I'm old enough to have it!" (I had a dream that I wasn't old enough to take it. xD)

I don't really sleepwalk. Just talking here and there...

Off topic: Once I woke up and I was playing the air guitar. :ichigotchi:

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Oh my gosh my brother used to be so bad about it. He would freak me out! O_OOne time I was sleeping in his room, and all of a sudden he sat up and said "Raise the Buffalo ship!!!!" I was soooo freaked out! =O I don't know what was going through his mind! xD

Another time when I was sleeping in his room, he said that in the middle of the night I said "Meatsticks". o_O What the heck.

Also he said once I was fiddling around in my sleeping bag and I said "Where the pocket that has Benedryl? I need to see if I'm old enough to have it!" (I had a dream that I wasn't old enough to take it. xD)

I don't really sleepwalk. Just talking here and there...

Off topic: Once I woke up and I was playing the air guitar. :ichigotchi:
Air guitar - nice.



When i was like,8,i did. One time, i fell asleep in the house, and woke up in my camper :ichigotchi:

At first I was like, Where Am I !!!

I don't sleepwalk. I can like talk and cry in my sleep (and yell don't forget the yelling xD lol) and I can like punch and throw stuff on the bed onto the floor.

Once I actually woke up in the middle of the night on the floor. o_O

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