Do you support abortion?


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That doesn't work on the non believer. Plus, that doesn't work on people who think babies are ugly. Seriously, I can't find anything cute about them.


Time for a story.

There is a pregnant girl at my school in my year. 15 years old. She decided she wants to keep the bab, drop out and be a full time mother. I personally believe abortion should have been her only thought. Let me explain why, she has 5 STD's she knows about, is open about but everytime she gets rid of one, she has more unprotected sex and gets more. She drinks every weekend, she got wasted even though she knew she was 3 months pregnant. She smokes everyday. She smokes weed every weekend and her entire family wouldn't be good for bringing up a baby in.

And she has said she really wants to keep it, has no intentions of adopting it out or returning to school.

Anyone else think that an abortion is the best thing in this case?
If she continues on that path, she might not have to worry about raising a baby or getting an abortion. Chances are she's going to have a miscarriage, or the baby will die soon after birth.

On the other hand, the baby could live and be severely brain damaged, and she's going to have one heck of a time trying to handle that.

I also agree with the italic text.

I gotta say, if the baby has downs sydrome or something, its cruel to abort them. Just because they have a problem doesn't mean they aren't like me and you, but if the mother and baby are gonna die or like, a girl my age was raped, i would say yeah.


If she continues on that path, she might not have to worry about raising a baby or getting an abortion. Chances are she's going to have a miscarriage, or the baby will die soon after birth.
On the other hand, the baby could live and be severely brain damaged, and she's going to have one heck of a time trying to handle that.

I also agree with the italic text.
Totally agree with SK. The baby is gonna maybe die....tobacco and weed aren't good for a 'lil baba like that hers...

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I think abortion is the closest thing there is to murder, you can't decide who lives and who dies.

But in some, rare cases (like the one Michelle mentioned) it's better than forcing someone to live a life where they want to die.

That doesn't work on the non believer. Plus, that doesn't work on people who think babies are ugly. Seriously, I can't find anything cute about them.


Time for a story.

There is a pregnant girl at my school in my year. 15 years old. She decided she wants to keep the bab, drop out and be a full time mother. I personally believe abortion should have been her only thought. Let me explain why, she has 5 STD's she knows about, is open about but everytime she gets rid of one, she has more unprotected sex and gets more. She drinks every weekend, she got wasted even though she knew she was 3 months pregnant. She smokes everyday. She smokes weed every weekend and her entire family wouldn't be good for bringing up a baby in.

And she has said she really wants to keep it, has no intentions of adopting it out or returning to school.

Anyone else think that an abortion is the best thing in this case?
Yes, abortion would definately be the best case for her. As Sweet Kandi said, the baby will already likely be miscarried, will die soon after birth, or be severely brain damaged, in which case it would only be painful to the mother and child.

Also, if i were that child, i wouldn't want her as my mother. If she's that irresponsible with her own life, how does she expect to raise another life? It would only be cruel to the child if she's planning on keeping it. I honestly pity that poor child who has to go through that, IF it lives in the first place.

I don't support abortion, but if you have to, do it.

The only cases in which I do recommend abortion is If the baby or the mother could possibly be harmed/killed, or if you are too young (Under 15 or so). With the age thing, it's not only the fact that the mother would have to drop out of high school to support a baby, her body would not be able to support it correctly, and lead to complications. I doubt a young mother would have responsibility to support a baby with complications, let alone a baby at all.

So I guess I'm kinda Pro-Choice, but I just don't like the idea of getting an abortion simply because careless people forgot to have safe sex.

I am defiantly all pro-choice. It's the mother's baby, and the mother's body. She can choose what to do with it. People are *not* going out and getting abortions left and right. Even for someone who doesn't want the baby, they still think long and hard, and many women face depression after abortion. If anyone says they are pro-life, I've got the perfect argument. Pro-life means you are anti-war and anti-death penalty. Which a lot of people who are pro-life aren't. Anyways, back on topic. People may not be ready for kids. No matter how old they are. If there's a girl who is 15 years old, had sex or was raped, and she feels she is not ready to take on the EXTREME responsibility of caring for another life, she may have an abortion. If there is a 30 year old woman, who had sex, but doesn't feel that she is right to take care of the baby, she may have an abortion. It is their own choice. Women can only get abortions until their fifth month of pregnancy, because after that it is unsafe. I do not think that abortions are murder in any way, because at that time, the baby would have no way to survive on its own out of the womb. I think something only counts as "alive" if it is surviving out of the womb. Which the fetus is not. Pro-choice peoples!

I am defiantly all pro-choice. It's the mother's baby, and the mother's body. She can choose what to do with it. People are *not* going out and getting abortions left and right. Even for someone who doesn't want the baby, they still think long and hard, and many women face depression after abortion. If anyone says they are pro-life, I've got the perfect argument. Pro-life means you are anti-war and anti-death penalty. Which a lot of people who are pro-life aren't. Anyways, back on topic. People may not be ready for kids. No matter how old they are. If there's a girl who is 15 years old, had sex or was raped, and she feels she is not ready to take on the EXTREME responsibility of caring for another life, she may have an abortion. If there is a 30 year old woman, who had sex, but doesn't feel that she is right to take care of the baby, she may have an abortion. It is their own choice. Women can only get abortions until their fifth month of pregnancy, because after that it is unsafe. I do not think that abortions are murder in any way, because at that time, the baby would have no way to survive on its own out of the womb. I think something only counts as "alive" if it is surviving out of the womb. Which the fetus is not. Pro-choice peoples!
-nods- At that point the baby can't survive outside the womb, and also has no consciousness so it's not like it will be 'killed' or in pain. It would be more cruel to the child to let it be born to a mother who's not up to the responsibility and will be cared for poorly.

-nods-  At that point the baby can't survive outside the womb, and also has no consciousness so it's not like it will be 'killed' or in pain. It would be more cruel to the child to let it be born to a mother who's not up to the responsibility and will be cared for poorly.
Actually, an unborn baby can feel pain. The nerve endings are fully developed by nine weeks into a pregnancy and all the structures necessary for pain sensation are functioning. Also, the video The Silent Scream is an ultrasound visual recording of a suction abortion. The fetus in the video pulls away from the vacuum and opens its mouth as if it were screaming. During this time the heart beat also doubles in rate.

And the true definition of consciousness can be debated... but brain waves are detected from six weeks after conception.

You are intentionally hurting someone and taking someone out of the world before they even get to experience it. Life is the greatest gift we will ever receive. I believe that it is not fair for us to decide that our living situation isn't the best, so the baby shouldn't get the chance to live at all. How is that right?

Those of you who are Pro-Choice are making interesting points, but I have to stick to my values. I am and always will be Pro-Choice.

@inSANE2 - I am also against capital punishment, a vegetarian, and generally anti-war. So therefore me being Pro-Life makes sense. I do see the truth in where you are coming from though, especially with other individuals.

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@inSANE2 - I am also against capital punishment, a vegetarian, and generally anti-war. So therefore me being Pro-Life makes sense. I do see the truth in where you are coming from though, especially with other individuals.
Go veggies! The "generally" part of "generally anti-war" was a taaaaad suspicious. But yes, in your case (mostly, please expand on the "generally part) I would say that you are using the term correctly. Its just certain people >.>

Go veggies! The "generally" part of "generally anti-war" was a taaaaad suspicious. But yes, in your case (mostly, please expand on the "generally part) I would say that you are using the term correctly. Its just certain people >.>
I haven't really thought about the concept of war much - politics and everything gets really sticky, so I don't have a firm opinion on it backed up with research, etc. I support the US troops because they are putting their lives on the line to keep our country safe. However, I am uncomfortable with killing other people, no matter what the circumstance. I still find it murder, which is unjustifiable... I just really don't like to get into it. Makes my head hurt too much and at this point in time I can't wrap my head around it really. Does that make any sense? Though that is really off-topic.

I understand, there are certain people out there who are pretty hypocritical in these kinds of controversial issues, as you pointed out.

Actually, an unborn baby can feel pain. The nerve endings are fully developed by nine weeks into a pregnancy and all the structures necessary for pain sensation are functioning. Also, the video The Silent Scream is an ultrasound visual recording of a suction abortion. The fetus in the video pulls away from the vacuum and opens its mouth as if it were screaming. During this time the heart beat also doubles in rate.
And the true definition of consciousness can be debated... but brain waves are detected from six weeks after conception.

You are intentionally hurting someone and taking someone out of the world before they even get to experience it. Life is the greatest gift we will ever receive. I believe that it is not fair for us to decide that our living situation isn't the best, so the baby shouldn't get the chance to live at all. How is that right?

Those of you who are Pro-Choice are making interesting points, but I have to stick to my values. I am and always will be Pro-Choice.

@inSANE2 - I am also against capital punishment, a vegetarian, and generally anti-war. So therefore me being Pro-Life makes sense. I do see the truth in where you are coming from though, especially with other individuals.
I 100% agree with everything you stated in that post, especially the bolded part.

You are intentionally hurting someone and taking someone out of the world before they even get to experience it. Life is the greatest gift we will ever receive. I believe that it is not fair for us to decide that our living situation isn't the best, so the baby shouldn't get the chance to live at all. How is that right?
I see some abortion cases where its like kill one, save a thousand others. Only in the way where, if a baby has a life threatening disease where they could only live until they are 2 or 4 and they die, so to save the baby from a "thousand" times of pain an heart aches later after birth, we have to suck it up, and hurt it once before it can get hurt more.

Like i said before, sometimes babies shouldn't be brought into this world knowing that they will suffer ultimate pain through their childhood, and! will not be able to experience play dates with other kids and what not. So yes, you can say that it IS unfair to not give babies a chance at life, but what chance do they have when they will only die a slow death?

I also think that abortion is one of those problems that will never go away as long as the human race continues. I mean, people everyday fight over little things because they have feelings for that subject, and abortion is one of those subjuect that wont go away like many small ones. Its too big of a passionate topic, and I'm pretty sure it will go away, and people will somehow just come to an agreement. Thats impossible.

No its not right. Unless of a serious reason and not an excuse. Its murder. Even though the baby hasn't taken a breath yet its still considered a murder under gods eyes because its an innocent life. If you can't handle the responsibility give it to someone who can. Don't kill it because of the consequences, because the consiquences of murder are worse than ur parents finding out that your pregnant at a young age. Don't do it. Think.

Sorry, I had to speak my mind and the truth.

As much as I think it's wrong to kill, it's not my decision. I wouldn't encourage it unless the baby would soon die or lead a very unhappy life. It might be easier for someone to not have a child instead of watching it suffer. I know my parents wouldn't want to watch me suffer and watch me die a slow and painful death.

Many of my friends are completely against it. It's annoying to listen to.

because at that time, the baby would have no way to survive on its own out of the womb. I think something only counts as "alive" if it is surviving out of the womb. Which the fetus is not. Pro-choice peoples!
o_O...A baby born after nine months couldn't very much "Survive out of the womb" without a mother caring for it, and feeding it. What difference does it make if it's inside the mother or out.

To say that a fetus "isn't alive" doesn't make any sense. Because it IS alive. It eats, grows, and so on.

That's the whole issue here, it's because it IS alive that were having this whole debate.



I'm personally very much against abortion.

Unless of course the mothers life is in danager and blah blah blah.

I find abortion rather cruel and the easy way out.

When someone has sex, whether they use protection or not there is always that risk of getting pregnant. No matter how small. So when someone has sex, they should be able to realize that risk.

To simply kill a baby because of someones own mistake is stupid. Not to mention actually having an abortion tends to send the mother into a deep depression.

In the end though, my opinion doesn't matter. People are still going to make stupid choices and stupid decisions.

If someone really wants to kill their child, go ahead, I'm not stopping you. It's your kid, do whatever you want.

But their are just so many better opinions then resorting to that! >.<

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